Surrender Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Surrender

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It is because the administration is hostile to silver; and thus it is surrendering this country to the Shylocks of the Old World who have made war upon it.
~By Richard Parks Bland ~

All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.
~By Lao Tzu ~

If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it.
~By Toni Morrison ~

We live less and less, and we learn more and more. Sensibility is surrendering to intelligence.
~By Remy de Gourmont ~

It is better to risk starving to death then surrender. If you give up on your dreams, what's left?
~By Jim Carrey ~

After the atomic bombs were dropped, the war ended and we went into Tokyo Bay with the rest of the fleet, the Missouri and the rest of them, while they signed the terms of surrender that ended the war.
~By Barney Ross ~

The surrender of life is nothing to sinking down into acknowledgment of inferiority.
~By John C. Calhoun ~

Pol Pot will surrender, be captured or commit suicide.
~By Hun Sen ~

Self-interest is but the survival of the animal in us. Humanity only begins for man with self-surrender.
~By Henri Frederic Amiel ~

Surrender had played out for good with me.
~By Jesse James ~

A wise unselfishness is not a surrender of yourself to the wishes of anyone, but only to the best discoverable course of action.
~By David Seabury ~

The first treasure California began to surrender after the Gold Rush as the oldest: her land.
~By John Jakes ~

Poor Andy Nave was killed. He refused to surrender and was shot by Dick Fields. I felt sorry as he used to be quite friendly towards me before the war, but it could not be helped.
~By Stand Watie ~

For the first two weeks of filming, I remember bristling at some of the occurrences on the set, none of which directly involved me. Then I surrendered to the environment, to Michael's method, and became much happier, even though no one knew what to expect.
~By Madeleine Stowe ~

All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling.
~By Blaise Pascal ~

Surrender to life itself and you'll just be rewarded with so many things. And I've been rewarded so many times, in so many mysterious ways. So I have no reason to be disappointed with anything.
~By Jason Mraz ~

Once you permit those who are convinced of their own superior rightness to censor and silence and suppress those who hold contrary opinions, just at that moment the citadel has been surrendered.
~By Archibald MacLeish ~

I surrendered to a world of my imagination, reenacting all those wonderful tales my father would read aloud to me. I became a very active reader, especially history and Shakespeare.
~By Andrew Wyeth ~

I find it almost comforting to count calories, because it makes me conscious of what I'm eating. But on Super Bowl Sunday, I thought, 'Surrender to it. It's nacho time.' Then I ate nothing but Doritos all day.
~By Kristen Bell ~

I never believed that surrendering the executive power should be a condition of getting the second term. The second term should stand on its own feet.
~By Jim Gilmore ~

To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today.
~By Isaac Asimov ~

You're going to have to surrender a little bit to the contrivance of how Freddy and Jason get together.
~By Robert Englund ~

No other terms than unconditional and immediate surrender. I propose to move immediately upon your works.
~By Ulysses S. Grant ~

One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered.
~By Michael J. Fox ~

I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle.
~By Sitting Bull ~

No man is fit to be a Senator... unless he is willing to surrender his political life for great principle.
~By Henry F. Ashurst ~

V-J Day, or Victory in Japan Day, marks the date of the Japanese surrender that ended fighting in the Pacific.
~By Doc Hastings ~

I believe that God felt sorry for actors so he created Hollywood to give them a place in the sun and a swimming pool. The price they had to pay was to surrender their talent.
~By Cedric Hardwicke ~

Surrender to the flow.
~By Mike Gordon ~

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
~By Winston Churchill ~

Power intoxicates men. It is never voluntarily surrendered. It must be taken from them.
~By James F. Byrnes ~

NATO believes it can pick on a small nation and force us to surrender our independence. And that is where NATO miscalculated. You are not willing to sacrifice lives to achieve our surrender. But we are willing to die to defend our rights as an independent sovereign nation.
~By Slobodan Milosevic ~

And, if we lost, then who win? Did Al Qaida win? When on the floor of the House of Representatives they cheer - they cheer - when they pass a withdrawal motion that is a certain date for surrender, what were they cheering? Surrender? Defeat?
~By John McCain ~

I will not surrender responsibility for my life and my actions.
~By J. Enoch Powell ~

Conversion is a complete surrender to Jesus. It's a willingness to do what he wants you to do.
~By Billy Sunday ~

Time always seems long to the child who is waiting - for Christmas, for next summer, for becoming a grownup: long also when he surrenders his whole soul to each moment of a happy day.
~By Dag Hammarskjold ~

Justice that love gives is a surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

What are you going to do? Admit to yourself that the pitchers have you on the point of surrender? You can't do that. You must make yourself think that the pitchers are just as good as they always have been or just as bad.
~By Lou Gehrig ~

To be one's self, and unafraid whether right or wrong, is more admirable than the easy cowardice of surrender to conformity.
~By Irving Wallace ~

There has not yet been a major ground offensive battle... There are, we know, negotiations going on between the opposition forces and the Taliban leadership for surrender.
~By Peter Pace ~

If you want to make someone feel emotion, you have to make them let go. Listening to something is an act of surrender.
~By Brian Eno ~

The inspiration came suddenly again to surrender to the Mother. It was quite unexpected: And so somehow I made a surrender to the Mother. Then I had an experience of overwhelming love. Waves of love sort of flowed into me.
~By Bede Griffiths ~

It is easy at any moment to surrender a large fortune; to build one up is a difficult and an arduous task.
~By Titus Livius ~

My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will, never, never surrender to what is right.
~By Dan Quayle ~

The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. It changes the relationship of two people much more strongly than even the final surrender; because this kiss already has within it that surrender.
~By Emil Ludwig ~

A man may be in as just possession of truth as of a city, and yet be forced to surrender.
~By Thomas Browne ~

The mongers brought them together upon a mutual surrender of their principles.
~By Robert Toombs ~

Shall I tell you what the real evil is? To cringe to the things that are called evils, to surrender to them our freedom, in defiance of which we ought to face any suffering.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

You must surrender whatever preconceptions you have about music if you're really interested in it.
~By Cecil Taylor ~

What can and doesn't have to be always, at the end, surrenders to something that has to be.
~By Ivo Andric ~

If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.
~By Anne Morrow Lindbergh ~

The idea that you surrender your identity when you relinquish national powers is unhelpful. No, indeed, precisely the opposite is the case: if done in an intelligent way, you attain the sovereignty to better solve national problems in cooperation with others.
~By Ulrich Beck ~

I find it almost comforting to count calories, because it makes me conscious of what I'm eating. But on Super Bowl Sunday, I thought, 'Surrender to it. It's nacho time.' Then I ate nothing but Doritos all day.
~By Kristen Bell ~

But here too it should be noted that the President's approach was to first ask the repressive and brutal Taliban to surrender Osama bin Laden to us, and only after that government refused to do that did we invade.
~By Barney Frank ~

Unless you have made a complete surrender and are doing his will it will avail you nothing if you've reformed a thousand times and have your name on fifty church records.
~By Billy Sunday ~

It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated... it is finished when it surrenders.
~By Ben Stein ~

France was an occupied country, a country that surrendered and was left without the right to choose.
~By Jean-Marie Le Pen ~

My golf is woeful but I will never surrender.
~By Bing Crosby ~

It was necessary to bluff the Japanese camp commanders, with whatever authority I could muster, that I had come officially to ensure that the surrender terms were being complied with and that living conditions for the POWs were being immediately improved.
~By Wilfred Burchett ~

My people were divided about surrendering.
~By Chief Joseph ~

Acted drama requires surrender of one's self, sympathetic absorption in the play as it develops.
~By George P. Baker ~

As to the war with Japan, the President had already received my memorandum in general as to the possibility of getting a substantial unconditional surrender from Japan which I had written before leaving Washington and which he had approved.
~By Henry L. Stimson ~

No man is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to. The only way in which anyone can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance.
~By Henry Miller ~

Man is not logical and his intellectual history is a record of mental reserves and compromises. He hangs on to what he can in his old beliefs even when he is compelled to surrender their logical basis.
~By John Dewey ~

There's a side of me that dislikes feminism. I think we surrendered something and women were unable to reveal any kind of vulnerability.
~By Rachel Hunter ~

The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender.
~By William Booth ~

There is too much at stake for us to surrender to the politics of polarization.
~By Brad Henry ~

The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.
~By Vince Lombardi ~

I was being called to surrender the very citadel of my self. I was completely in the dark. I did not really know what repentance was or what I was required to repent of. It was indeed the turning point of my life.
~By Bede Griffiths ~

I thought cryptography was a technique that did not require your trusting other people-that if you encrypted your files, you would have the control to make the choice as to whether you would surrender your files.
~By Whitfield Diffie ~

There was a very convincing argument made that the extremists have won and the aggression is now supported by the majority, therefore fighting until surrender was the only alternative.
~By Joichi Ito ~

I do, indeed, close my door at times and surrender myself to a book, but only because I can open the door again and see a human face looking at me.
~By Martin Buber ~

God grant you the strength to fight off the temptations of surrender.
~By Walter Annenberg ~

I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short.
~By Armistead Maupin ~

The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.
~By Julia Cameron ~

Chanting was very deep for me. It was as if I remembered it. It was like a real surrender.
~By Ione Skye ~

As to the presidency, the two happiest days of my life were those of my entrance upon the office and my surrender of it.
~By Martin Van Buren ~

Surrender your forces and give yourselves and your troops the opportunity to be a part of Iraq's future and not a part of Iraq's past.
~By Peter Pace ~

Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as it will. Refuse to be average or to surrender to the chill of your spiritual environment.
~By Arthur Helps ~

I think that this is the first war in history that on the morrow the victors sued for peace and the vanquished called for unconditional surrender.
~By Abba Eban ~

Art is nothing but the expression of our dream; the more we surrender to it the closer we get to the inner truth of things, our dream-life, the true life that scorns questions and does not see them.
~By Franz Marc ~

The question of sexual dominance can exist only in the nightmare of that soul which has armed itself, totally, against the possibility of the changing motion of conquest and surrender, which is love.
~By James A. Baldwin ~

The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.
~By John F. Kennedy ~

At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice.
~By Maya Angelou ~

Love is an attempt at penetrating another being, but it can only succeed if the surrender is mutual.
~By Octavio Paz ~

Never surrender opportunity for security.
~By Branch Rickey ~

My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long. I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short.
~By Armistead Maupin ~

The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.
~By John F. Kennedy ~

Never bring the problem solving stage into the decision making stage. Otherwise, you surrender yourself to the problem rather than the solution.
~By Robert H. Schuller ~

If I'm gonna go down I'm gonna do it with style. You won't hear me surrender, you won't hear me confess cause you've left me with nothing but I have worked with less.
~By Ani DiFranco ~

We are losing our living systems, social systems, cultural systems, governing systems, stability, and our constitutional health, and we're surrendering it all at the same time.
~By Paul Hawken ~

We can escape the commonplace only by manipulating it, controlling it, thrusting it into our dreams or surrendering it to the free play of our subjectivity.
~By Raoul Vaneigem ~

We both agreed that Stalin was determined to hold out against the Germans. He told us he'd never let them get to Moscow. But if he was wrong, they'd go back to the Urals and fight. They'd never surrender.
~By W. Averell Harriman ~

The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state. They both deny that right is superior to authority.
~By Lord Acton ~

But there's no reason why we should abdicate our foundational principles because certain groups don't believe in them. You know, no majority should surrender its deeply held beliefs to those who don't believe in anything.
~By Pat Robertson ~

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
~By Arnold Schwarzenegger ~

No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to fly high. No government, no legislature, has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams.
~By Jesse Jackson ~

We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can - namely, surrender our will and fulfill God's will in us.
~By Saint Teresa of Avila ~

Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.
~By Gail Sheehy ~

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July 26 ,2024
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