Teen Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Teen

Read This: Birth Quotes And Sayings

In the first quarter of the nineteenth century the experimental proof for the interdependence of the composition and properties of chemical compounds resulted in the theory that they are mutually related, so that like composition governs like properties, and conversely.
~By Wilhelm Ostwald ~

Just because you know umpteen billion scales, it doesn't mean you have to use them all in a solo.
~By Kirk Hammett ~

It's never that hard for me to imagine what it must feel like to be someone else, whether it's an American teenage girl or a Japanese octogenarian man.
~By Curtis Sittenfeld ~

Appetite is essentially insatiable, and where it operates as a criterion of both action and enjoyment (that is, everywhere in the Western world since the sixteenth century) it will infallibly discover congenial agencies (mechanical and political) of expression.
~By Marshall McLuhan ~

Still falls the rain - dark as the world of man, black as our loss - blind as the nineteen hundred and forty nails upon the Cross.
~By Edith Sitwell ~

I had just arrived in New York from California. I was nineteen years old and excited beyond belief. I was an art student and an acting student and behaved as most young actors did - meaning that there was no such thing as a good actor, 'cause you yourself hadn't shown up yet.
~By Robert Redford ~

I decided during my teens that I wasn't going to have the life of a concert pianist, much to the chagrin of a lot of people who had put a lot of money into me!
~By Cy Coleman ~

Frank Sinatra is the only one that went from teen idol to superstar.
~By Leif Garrett ~

During my participation in the Manhattan Project and subsequent research at Los Alamos, encompassing a period of fifteen years, I worked in the company of perhaps the greatest collection of scientific talent the world has ever known.
~By Frederick Reines ~

I think it was when I was nineteen, by that time the Jewish laws were already in force and the split was beginning to come about which isolated the Jewish culture.
~By Gyorgy Legeti ~

As a young teenager I looked desperately for things to read that might excuse me or assure me I wasn't the only one, that might confirm an identity I was unhappily piecing together.
~By Edmund White ~

I think there's a time in your life where you don't feel like you fit in. I think everyone has that when you're a teenager, especially, and especially in the society we live in.
~By Matthew Vaughn ~

I heard Mr. Wild Bill Davis. I heard him play in 1930 and he told me that it would take me fifteen years just to learn the pedals, the pedals of the organ and I got mad.
~By Jimmy Smith ~

By the time I was a teenager, I knew I wanted to be an artist. I was a born draftsman and liked all forms of art, so I just knew that's what I wanted to do.
~By Frank Frazetta ~

I was the center square on Hollywood Squares for about fifteen weeks.
~By Jerry Mathers ~

In this year 1634, I purchased the moiety of thirteen houses in the Strand for five hundred and thirty pounds.
~By William Lilly ~

I don't think I want to play a teenager anymore.
~By Devon Sawa ~

The film itself involves a New York City radio storyteller, Gabriel Noone, who strikes up a friendship with one of his fans, an abused 14-year-old teenager who is suffering from AIDS, who does not have much longer to live.
~By Armistead Maupin ~

I don't know what better teenage life you could get than going around the world doing what you love to do.
~By Anna Kournikova ~

I got interested in computers and how they could be enslaved to the megalomaniac impulses of a teenager.
~By Eugene Jarvis ~

I wish I were one of those terribly clever people who, when they write their autobiographies, always say, when I was fifteen months old I distinctly remember my Aunt Fanny saying to me, etc.
~By George Seaton ~

An adolescent is somebody who is in between things. A teenager is somebody who's kind of permanently there. And so living with them through the various teenage hopes and sorrows and joys was curiously enough a maturing experience for me.
~By Andrew Greeley ~

In the last quarter of the eighteenth century bourgeois Europe needed to emancipate itself from that combination of feudalism and commercial capitalism which we know as mercantilism.
~By C. L. R. James ~

Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attributable to science, which achieved its most spectacular triumphs in the seventeenth century.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

Why one man rather than another? It was odd. You find yourself involved with a fellow for life just because he was the one that you met when you were nineteen.
~By Simone de Beauvoir ~

The big mistake that men make is that when they turn thirteen or fourteen and all of a sudden they've reached puberty, they believe that they like women. Actually, you're just horny. It doesn't mean you like women any more at twenty-one than you did at ten.
~By George William Curtis ~

I will always desire to play with Bruce Springsteen. He's the most inspirational, most dedicated, most committed and most focused artist I've ever seen. I like to be around people like that.
~By Max Weinberg ~

Of course, nobody would deny the importance of human beings for theological thinking, but the time span of history that theologians think about is a few thousand years of human culture rather than the fifteen billion years of the history of the universe.
~By John Polkinghorne ~

Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.
~By Mark Twain ~

Teenagers today are more free to be themselves and to accept themselves.
~By John Knowles ~

I grew up mostly with classical, big band, and a lot of Irish music - I really didn't start listening to rock and roll until I was maybe sixteen.
~By Moira Kelly ~

You get fifteen democrats in a room, and you get twenty opinions.
~By Patrick Leahy ~

When I write an original story I write about people I know first-hand and situations I'm familiar with. I don't write stories about the nineteenth century.
~By Satyajit Ray ~

At the time I came along, Hollywood's idea of teen movies meant there had to be a lot of nudity, usually involving boys in pursuit of sex, and pretty gross overall. Either that or a horror movie. And the last thing Hollywood wanted in their teen movies was teenagers!
~By John Hughes ~

In a way, my past gives me a little credibility. Not that anybody cares what I did nineteen years ago, but I did have a career, and a legitimate one, before I met my husband.
~By Pia Zadora ~

I'm pretty sure this is it for the teen movie thing. It's so frustrating to read when you get to page 20 and you're like, Oy! It's the same thing again!
~By Marla Sokoloff ~

In the nineteenth century, slavery was the greatest wrong, and government never stood so tall as when it was redressing that wrong.
~By William Weld ~

I was signed when I was 19 years old, in 1980. I went to Germany and France. Seeing the world at that time was just an awesome experience for a teenager.
~By Kurtis Blow ~

How many radio shows I did is lost to memory now; it's in the hundreds - maybe even close to being in the thousands - for the span of years from the time I was eight till I was about fifteen.
~By Mel Torme ~

The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Barbra Streisand, Bruce Springsteen, these are just some of the people who threatened to sue if we used their songs.
~By Colin Mochrie ~

The vampire underworld is much larger than most people could imagine. It exists in all the cities mentioned in the book, but also in many, many more. Teenagers, especially, seem to like to act out vampire fantasies.
~By James Patterson ~

I was totally into jazz in my teens.
~By Andy Summers ~

I would sell 2 million records, a million went to teenagers and a million went to the adults. So, when The Beatles became so popular, I lost a million to the teenagers, but I was still selling a million to the adults.
~By Bobby Vinton ~

Only sixteen players have hit fifty or more homers in a season. To me, that's a very special milestone.
~By Mark McGwire ~

I thought about that the other day after I went to the grocery store and had to sign fifteen autographs before leaving. On one hand, it's just so flattering. On the other hand, sometimes it would be nice to get the bread and leave, you know?
~By Clay Aiken ~

Teen pop will never die as long as there are teens and popular music. It just takes a different head.
~By Justin Timberlake ~

On the whole, the psychological work of the last quarter of the nineteenth century emphasized the study of consciousness to the neglect of the total life of intellect and character.
~By Edward Thorndike ~

When they see those fourteen lights, they're looking at a miracle. And deep down, they feel that whatever's going to happen, there will be someone there to help them. And that fills them with hope.
~By M. Night Shyamalan ~

Eighteen holes of match play will teach you more about your foe than 18 years of dealing with him across a desk.
~By Grantland Rice ~

It's my feeling that God lends you your children until they're about eighteen years old. If you haven't made your points with them by then, it's too late.
~By Betty Ford ~

The role of a comedian is to make the audience laugh, at a minimum of once every fifteen seconds.
~By Lenny Bruce ~

If you can get a teen leader in each sector of a student population, you can pull people in. Everybody wants to get involved, but most are too afraid. When they see a person they think is cool leading it, they're first to join.
~By Andrew Shue ~

I had now arrived at my seventeenth year, and had attained my full height, a fraction over six feet. I was well endowed with youthful energy, and was of an extremely sanguine temperament.
~By Henry Bessemer ~

When I left school I was full of angst, like any teenager, and I channeled it all into comedy.
~By Matt Lucas ~

When the START 2 treaty has been implemented - and remember it has not yet been ratified - we will be left with some 15,000 nuclear warheads, active and in reserve. Fifteen thousand weapons with an average yield of 20 Hiroshima bombs.
~By Joseph Rotblat ~

Having grown up in Oklahoma when it was one of the last states which prohibited liquor, I grew up with War On Drugs, where every teenager knew who the bootleggers were.
~By Tony Hillerman ~

We recorded our first CD, Sixteen Stone, with a small budget and never dreamed that we would enjoy such a high success. It was simply fantastic.
~By Gavin Rossdale ~

If the Founding Fathers and other patriots who fought during the Revolutionary War could see the United States today, I believe they would be proud of the path that the thirteen colonies, now fifty strong states, have taken since then.
~By John Linder ~

Black music has become a commercial commodity. Live performances are not so accessible as they were previously. It use to be possible to go to the bar on the corner and hear music. It was available for a fifteen cent beer.
~By Archie Shepp ~

I read over a hundred books a year and have done so since I was fifteen years old, and every book I've read has taught me something.
~By Nicholas Sparks ~

The Gulf War was like teenage sex. We got in too soon and out too soon.
~By Tom Harkin ~

First of all, you look at Rocky films now, and if that isn't a cartoon series there isn't any cartoon series. I mean there's no way anybody is going to take that amount of punishment in fifteen rounds.
~By Charles S. Dutton ~

I am drawn to writing and directing as it is most like the feeling I had when I was a teenager with my puppet theatre. You are more in control of everything and involved in every aspect of production, so more challenged and fulfilled.
~By Richard E. Grant ~

For a long time I wanted to be a comic strip artist but when I started doing them in my teens they were getting really elaborate with tons of poses and a lot of information.
~By Craig McCracken ~

A lot of those songs are actually about Sarah, who I was recently divorced from about five or six months ago. I'd been seeing her off and on since I was about nineteen, so a lot of those songs are about her.
~By Gene Ween ~

I could name a few songs and say exactly what summer they came out and what boy I thought I was in love with when I was fourteen years old, but I think that music used to be really more a part of the culture when people went out dancing in a different way than they do now.
~By Ann Beattie ~

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.
~By Erma Bombeck ~

Ireland is a peculiar society in the sense that it was a nineteenth century society up to about 1970 and then it almost bypassed the twentieth century.
~By John McGahern ~

I drank a lot when I was a teenager and I don't drink any more, because that's when I thought, you know, I'm gonna end up a car wreck.
~By Kristin Davis ~

I'm more selective now I've got a family. I don't want to work all the time. My daughter's 12; I don't want to miss out on her life. Soon she'll be a teenager; she won't want me around.
~By Julie Walters ~

And so by the fifteenth century, on October 8, the Europeans were looking for a new place to try to get to, and they came up with a new concept: the West.
~By Dave Barry ~

What I try to do for my readers is to pass on some of the things that I found out about being thirteen after doing it for forty years.
~By Diane Duane ~

The commune movement is part of a reawakening of belief in the possibilities for utopia that existed in the nineteenth century and exist again today, a belief that by creating the right social institution, human satisfaction and growth can be achieved.
~By Rosabeth Moss Kanter ~

My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That's what happens when you haven't been home in eighteen years.
~By Lee Trevino ~

I know that when I grew up I was pretty sheltered, and didn't come to understand much about the world until I was in my really late teens and early twenties, and that process continues.
~By Ryan Phillippe ~

Unhappiness in a child accumulates because he sees no end to the dark tunnel. The thirteen weeks of a term might just as well be thirteen years.
~By Graham Greene ~

I missed out on my teenage years. I led a sheltered life. I was practicing scales instead of playing football.
~By John Cale ~

Yeah, about sixteen to twenty weeks a year. For example, we can do America in six or seven weeks. You can do Europe in three weeks; England in two weeks. South America you could do in three weeks; Asia you could do in three weeks.
~By Warren Cuccurullo ~

I've now been in this country for thirteen years, since I was seventeen. So this is my second home.
~By Hakeem Olajuwon ~

I think it magnified it. For me, I wasn't sheltered so I think it was magnified. Especially when you're a teenager and you go to high school and you're in the business and you are known.
~By Heather Matarazzo ~

I don't know how we had about eighteen international stars in it, all playing James Bond.
~By Val Guest ~

I lived with them in my studio in New York. And of course if I were doing that book today or even ten years, fifteen years later, I would have gone to where the wild ducks were and where I could study them - I would have gone to the country somewhere.
~By Robert McCloskey ~

T Bone and I grew up together in Fort Worth, Texas. He had his own recording studio by the time he was seventeen years old. When we were both nineteen he made the first archival recording of my voice.
~By Betty Buckley ~

When I was a teenager in Iceland people would throw rocks and shout abuse at me because they thought I was weird. I never got that in London no matter what I wore.
~By Bjork ~

Just trying to get a film made which is always difficult no matter what kind of a budget you have. Not having a budget makes it even more difficult. Having nineteen days and no budget makes it extremely difficult.
~By Eriq La Salle ~

But I did not find any positive inspiration in my studies until I approached my nineteenth year.
~By Georg Brandes ~

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
~By P. J. O'Rourke ~

I'd get more applause than some because I was just seventeen. If they didn't clap at the end of my act I would limp off stage and boy would they feel guilty. They would all burst into tremendous applause as they saw this poor cripple kid walking off.
~By Jim Dale ~

Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair.
~By Sam Ewing ~

You know what they say about Chicago. If you don't like the weather, wait fifteen minutes.
~By Ralph Kiner ~

I was a veteran, before I was a teenager.
~By Michael Jackson ~

When I was a teenager I loved acting, but I really just loved it for myself. I didn't like the fact that anyone else saw the work I was doing.
~By Joseph Gordon-Levitt ~

Well, I wanted to play twenty years in the major leagues. I never made it twenty though. I played nineteen.
~By Bert Campaneris ~

I've been doing nineteen hours a day on London, nothing else, I mean this has been my whole life, and writing has been put on one side, and if I'm privileged enough to be the Mayor of this city, then I will not write again.
~By Jeffrey Archer ~

Doctors tell me I have the body of a thirty year old. I know I have the brain of a fifteen year old. If you've got both, you can play baseball.
~By Pete Rose ~

At fifteen one is first beginning to realize that everything isn't money and power in this world, and is casting about for joys that do not turn to dross in one's hands.
~By Robert Benchley ~

I like young actors because they're so unspoiled, not like some of those actors who are about half an hour into their fifteen minutes of fame by the time they get to me.
~By John Hughes ~

Teenagers too often have to deal with loss and death. You had to cope with the untimely death of your brother; how can young people deal with such tragedies?
~By Andrew Shue ~

I understand the Saudis have been named because fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
~By Sibel Edmonds ~

I have married thriteen couples. I'm about to do a marriage next month.
~By Sally Kirkland ~

Read This: Generations Quotes And Sayings
July 26 ,2024
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