Teen Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Teen

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The length of exposure (one minute in sunlight) is still too long for the portrait. It was fifteen minutes when I first began my work. Progress may continue.
~By Gabriel Lippmann ~

As far as advice to potential teenage idols, there is no formula.
~By Bobby Sherman ~

In this year 1634, I purchased the moiety of thirteen houses in the Strand for five hundred and thirty pounds.
~By William Lilly ~

I have eighteen titles in the German language. I had a number one song in 1965.
~By Wanda Jackson ~

A revolution only lasts fifteen years, a period which coincides with the effectiveness of a generation.
~By Jose Ortega y Gasset ~

The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war.
~By E. B. White ~

There were not fifteen people in the story department and twenty-five producers and stuff. And Roger had produced 1,000 movies and directed a couple of hundred, and their comments were always very, very specific.
~By John Sayles ~

Being a teen idol is what I've waited for my whole life.
~By Sarah Michelle Gellar ~

I was in my thirteenth year when I heard a voice from God to help me govern my conduct. And the first time I was very much afraid.
~By Joan of Arc ~

The Teen Challenge Training Center on Pennsylvania farmland houses over 200 men in rehab. Other farms and centers have been birthed out of this ministry all over the world.
~By David Wilkerson ~

The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Barbra Streisand, Bruce Springsteen, these are just some of the people who threatened to sue if we used their songs.
~By Colin Mochrie ~

T Bone and I grew up together in Fort Worth, Texas. He had his own recording studio by the time he was seventeen years old. When we were both nineteen he made the first archival recording of my voice.
~By Betty Buckley ~

One night I went over to get some dope from some Hollywood tough guy. After I left, my son Scott, who was only fifteen, went over with a baseball bat to kill him. I was laughing out of one eye and crying out of the other. I thought, Who am I kidding?
~By James Caan ~

When I was a teenager in the late 30's and early 40's, electronics wasn't a word. You were interested in radio if you were interested in electronics.
~By Ken Olsen ~

The beginning of 1856 found me teaching in the family of a planter named Bryan, residing in Prince George County, Md., some fifteen or twenty miles from Washington.
~By Simon Newcomb ~

My manager wants me to dress like a nun and I want to dress like a teenager.
~By Anna Kournikova ~

'St. Elmo's Fire' is one of my favorite films. I like the storytelling of those teenage American films. You don't get that now. Teenage American movies are all about sick jokes, puking a lot, arse jokes.
~By James McAvoy ~

When I'm with my friends' teenage children, I always say, 'Are your friends having sex yet?'
~By Sharon Stone ~

I went to art school when I was little. I took ballet lessons. I played a little kick ball. I was sort of into everything because I had too much energy and I didn't know where to put it. When I was a preteen, I got into singing, and became really obsessed with it.
~By Amanda Seyfried ~

From the age of fifteen, dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I know no other religion; I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion; religion, as a mere sentiment, is to me a dream and a mockery.
~By John Henry Newman ~

The most important role models should and could be parents and teachers. But that said, once you're a teenager you've probably gotten as much of an example from your parents as you're going to.
~By Andrew Shue ~

The Gulf War was like teenage sex. We got in too soon and out too soon.
~By Tom Harkin ~

Captain Clarke who had gone out yesterday with eighteen men to bring in the meat we had killed the day before, and to continue the hunt, came in at twelve o'clock.
~By Meriwether Lewis ~

I've never done a teen movie before, but I certainly could tell you some of the ones I came very close on. I was very close on Clueless and She's All That.
~By Mia Kirshner ~

Remember, this was a world that was still ethnically separated. I was thirteen and ignorant of the social situation in America, but I felt these records were better than what my own culture was turning out.
~By Roy Harper ~

I wish all teenagers can filter through songs instead of turning to drugs and alcohol.
~By Taylor Swift ~

Preparation for old age should begin not later than one's teens. A life which is empty of purpose until 65 will not suddenly become filled on retirement.
~By Dwight L. Moody ~

By means of steam one can go from California to Japan in eighteen days.
~By Townsend Harris ~

I mean, Eighteen years old is the age of consent in Europe and you can go anywhere and do anything you like. In America, it is dumb. At eighteen you should be able to do anything that you like, except get married.
~By John Entwistle ~

Johnny Guitar... just one of my favorite singers of all time. I met him when we were both on the road with Johnny Otis in the '50s when I was a teenager. We traveled the country in a car together.I would hear him sing every night.
~By Etta James ~

Unhappiness in a child accumulates because he sees no end to the dark tunnel. The thirteen weeks of a term might just as well be thirteen years.
~By Graham Greene ~

At fifteen, beauty and talent do not exist; there can only be promise of the coming woman.
~By Honore de Balzac ~

I was six years old when I saw my first Godard movie, eight when I first experienced Bergman. I wanted to be a director when I was fourteen.
~By Julie Delpy ~

When I was a teenager in Iceland people would throw rocks and shout abuse at me because they thought I was weird. I never got that in London no matter what I wore.
~By Bjork ~

Once I had all the facts in, I found I didn't have the immoral courage to pull the caper. So I wrote it as a story. As a teenager, I didn't have any skills for writing as such, so it came out in 1500 words.
~By Theodore Sturgeon ~

Thirteen years I took on this last book.
~By Gay Talese ~

I had never really pictured myself working in children's ministries. I always figured I would be more comfortable with maybe teens or adult ministries.
~By Willie Aames ~

If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all.
~By John Cage ~

Most bands don't even last fourteen months let alone fourteen years.
~By Peter Steele ~

By the time I was a teenager, I knew I wanted to be an artist. I was a born draftsman and liked all forms of art, so I just knew that's what I wanted to do.
~By Frank Frazetta ~

I decided during my teens that I wasn't going to have the life of a concert pianist, much to the chagrin of a lot of people who had put a lot of money into me!
~By Cy Coleman ~

The film itself involves a New York City radio storyteller, Gabriel Noone, who strikes up a friendship with one of his fans, an abused 14-year-old teenager who is suffering from AIDS, who does not have much longer to live.
~By Armistead Maupin ~

Writing sessions can last an hour or sixteen hours, depending on how it's going.
~By Orson Scott Card ~

Yeah, about sixteen to twenty weeks a year. For example, we can do America in six or seven weeks. You can do Europe in three weeks; England in two weeks. South America you could do in three weeks; Asia you could do in three weeks.
~By Warren Cuccurullo ~

Sailed this day nineteen leagues, and determined to count less than the true number, that the crew might not be dismayed if the voyage should prove long.
~By Christopher Columbus ~

And, in nineteen seventy two Olympic Games I wasn't really going to be a star, and overnight I became a star.
~By Olga Korbut ~

As a teenager, I didn't want to be me; I wanted to be many different people. Maybe I realized that they all lived inside me and that if I managed to connect with them, they would become aspects of me.
~By Marion Cotillard ~

For a long time I wanted to be a comic strip artist but when I started doing them in my teens they were getting really elaborate with tons of poses and a lot of information.
~By Craig McCracken ~

I don't think there's a problem with being a teen idol, if that happens to me, I'll be happy to deal with it.
~By Josh Hartnett ~

At the age of nineteen and a half, I went to the Land of Israel to till its soil and live by the labour of my hands. As I did not find work, I sought my livelihood elsewhere.
~By Shmuel Y. Agnon ~

Well, we know that eighteen years after that solemn declaration it was disregarded, and the Irish Parliament, which lasted for five hundred years, was destroyed by the Act of Union. Gentlemen, the Act of Union was carried by force and fraud, by treachery and falsehood.
~By John Edward Redmond ~

The thing that bums me out about 'The Real World' is I don't want to believe that teenagers are that stupid.
~By Kathy Griffin ~

Still falls the rain - dark as the world of man, black as our loss - blind as the nineteen hundred and forty nails upon the Cross.
~By Edith Sitwell ~

My name is Ryan White. I am sixteen years old. I have hemophilia, and I have AIDS.
~By Ryan White ~

I just came from Aspen, Colorado and they had fifteen kids I played for and they all played horns.
~By Jimmy Smith ~

The nineteenth century was completely lacking in logic, it had cosmic terms and hopes, and aspirations, and discoveries, and ideals but it had no logic.
~By Gertrude Stein ~

If I haven't made myself clear, this worrisome chain of events describes the game of the nineteenth century.
~By John Thorn ~

The poetry from the eighteenth century was prose; the prose from the seventeenth century was poetry.
~By David Hare ~

Having grown up in Oklahoma when it was one of the last states which prohibited liquor, I grew up with War On Drugs, where every teenager knew who the bootleggers were.
~By Tony Hillerman ~

Oh the innocent girl in her maiden teens knows perfectly well what everything means.
~By David Herbert Lawrence ~

I progressed through so many different styles of music through my teen years, both as a player and a vocalist, particularly the jazz and pop of the early 20th Century.
~By Jeff Healey ~

As I told you, from the time I was fifteen, I thought the theater was too much involved with actors trying to make the audience love them, being over emotional.
~By Richard Foreman ~

It's my feeling that God lends you your children until they're about eighteen years old. If you haven't made your points with them by then, it's too late.
~By Betty Ford ~

I think it was when I was nineteen, by that time the Jewish laws were already in force and the split was beginning to come about which isolated the Jewish culture.
~By Gyorgy Legeti ~

I always make this joke that I know you were expecting to see the big skirts and the hoops. But that was a long time ago. Artists aren't always seen as real people. If you start out as a teenager, sometimes people want to keep you locked as that. But I'm a woman now.
~By Jody Watley ~

When you are seventeen you aren't really serious.
~By Max Lerner ~

Up to nineteen seventy six when I quit gymnastics I was very, disappointed because I didn't have anything which is, live with. I didn't have a friend so I didn't have a coach anymore.
~By Olga Korbut ~

That's great because I know as a teenager, I didn't relate to a TV series where all people do is cheerlead and drink sodas on the weekend. So I think it'll be great if it can be seen by a few people at least.
~By Caroline Dhavernas ~

The other day at a drive-through, I reminded the teenage girl serving me that she forgot my drinks. She looked at me, hissed, rolled her eyes, and then took her sweet time getting me the sodas.
~By Neil Cavuto ~

Heredity is what sets the parents of a teenager wondering about each other.
~By Laurence J. Peter ~

Teens think listening to music helps them concentrate. It doesn't. It relieves them of the boredom that concentration on homework induces.
~By Marilyn vos Savant ~

In less than eighteen months, it prepared a first draft which it submitted to the General Assembly and which, at the end of one hundred sessions of elevated, often impassioned discussion, was adopted in the form of thirty articles on December 10, 1948.
~By Rene Cassin ~

I guess it comes back to the old motto, you have you're fifteen minutes a fame.
~By Steve Brown ~

I've just had eighteen straight whiskies. I think that's the record.
~By Dylan Thomas ~

I had long hair when I was a teenager.
~By Beck ~

I guess if you're lucky enough not to have to pay your rent, then you or I take much more seriously the kind of work that I do, what it takes for me to leave two teenagers of my own and six stepchildren and a husband and four grandchildren.
~By Ellen Barkin ~

Death and vulgarity are the only two facts in the nineteenth century that one cannot explain away.
~By Oscar Wilde ~

And from that nineteen sixty four, this was my goal to go to Olympic Games. And I realized what does it mean, Olympic Games, like big celebration.
~By Olga Korbut ~

Each of the seventeen tribunals during a long period burned annually, on an average, ten miserable beings!
~By John Foxe ~

Whatever labels may be attached to the fifteen charges brought against me, they all arise from my having been a member of the Communist Party and from my activities as a member.
~By Bram Fischer ~

It's always been my feeling that God lends you your children until they're about eighteen years old. If you haven't made your points with them by then, it's too late.
~By Betty Ford ~

Remember that as a teenager you are in the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear the phone is for you.
~By Fran Lebowitz ~

I won't play for a penny less than fifteen hundred dollars.
~By Honus Wagner ~

Few things are more satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own.
~By Doug Larson ~

The biggest influence? I've had several at different times - but the biggest for me was Bob Dylan, who was a guy that came along when I was twelve or thirteen and just changed all the rules about what it meant to write songs.
~By Jackson Browne ~

I find it very, very hard. He was part of the fabric of my life. We were kids together, and teenagers. We spent the whole of our lives with each other because of our music.
~By Robin Gibb ~

I lived with them in my studio in New York. And of course if I were doing that book today or even ten years, fifteen years later, I would have gone to where the wild ducks were and where I could study them - I would have gone to the country somewhere.
~By Robert McCloskey ~

Teens aren't just interested in getting laid. I won't believe that's all they're interested in. I have four younger sisters and they're sick of being shown how they're supposed to react in bed.
~By Linda Fiorentino ~

Teenagers who are never required to vacuum are living in one.
~By Fred G. Gosman ~

I want to stay away from politics, or else I'll probably end up putting my size fifteen foot into my mouth.
~By Peter Steele ~

Research shows that parents are the single biggest influence on children - if you are worried about your teen and drugs, talk to them.
~By John Walters ~

Frank Sinatra is the only one that went from teen idol to superstar.
~By Leif Garrett ~

Every Teen Challenge ministry is responsible for raising its own finances, but we assist these works with finances, prayer and counseling, especially overseas in areas such as Siberia, Africa, South America.
~By David Wilkerson ~

The vampire underworld is much larger than most people could imagine. It exists in all the cities mentioned in the book, but also in many, many more. Teenagers, especially, seem to like to act out vampire fantasies.
~By James Patterson ~

There are now more teens going into treatment for marijuana dependency than for all other drugs combined.
~By John Walters ~

At thirteen, when I arrived in Hong Kong after leaving China, I made a living by working in a restaurant.
~By Martin Yan ~

And the fifteenth century was an impassioned age, so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art that it consecrated everything with which art had to ad as a religious object.
~By Walter Pater ~

If a woman tells you she's twenty and looks sixteen, she's twelve. If she tells you she's twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she's damn near fourty.
~By Chris Rock ~

In terms of the frustration of my character, I suppose any teenager has probably gone through that, in terms of telling their parents, I want to do one thing, and their parent says no. I think parents sometimes forget that they were children.
~By Parminder Nagra ~

I savour the adulation and love I have been getting from my fans and the blessings of elders in my family. Fourteen years have given me a lot and I can't thank God and the industry enough.
~By Akshay Kumar ~

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October 23 ,2024
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