Thought Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Thought

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King thought he understood the white Southerner, having been born and reared in Georgia and trained a theologian.
~By Constance Baker Motley ~

Danny and I wrote 10 songs in seven days, which I thought might be close to the record until you probably look at some of the Beatles statistics.
~By Jerry Only ~

Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence.
~By Louis Pasteur ~

The moment comes when a character does or says something you hadn't thought about. At that moment he's alive and you leave it to him.
~By Graham Greene ~

The moment a man sets his thoughts down on paper, however secretly, he is in a sense writing for publication.
~By Raymond Chandler ~

People in New Hampshire know that I'll talk thoughtfully, substantively about any issue.
~By John Sununu ~

Be honest with yourself and the way you act when you hear music. That way, when people watch, they'll see something from your heart and soul, and as a result will communicate your feeling and thought much better.
~By Billy Sheehan ~

The writers keep managing to turn the show in on itself, coming up with something that's well thought-out and miraculous.
~By Kiefer Sutherland ~

People care more about being thought to have taste than about being thought either good, clever or amiable.
~By Samuel Butler ~

Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results.
~By James Lane Allen ~

Indignation is a submission of our thoughts, but not of our desires.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

Political and social events must also be effective, but not in a very obvious fashion. But political confusion and prolonged peace undoubtedly affect creative thought but whether they respectively hinder or help it is not at all certain.
~By John Desmond Bernal ~

This I conceive to be the chemical function of humor: to change the character of our thought.
~By Lin Yutang ~

I don't theorize too much. I sort of let the experience sink in, and I have to discover what the character is by doing it, and having those thoughts that she's thinking.
~By Jill Clayburgh ~

Eventually I lost the idea that I could have a career. I thought I was too old.
~By Dixie Carter ~

It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.
~By Lewis Grizzard ~

We always thought the Tom Tom Club could change to anything, but it acquired this image, which was cartoon animation and this real light-hearted dance music.
~By Tina Weymouth ~

I always thought it would be really cool to be playing the drums in the show and then have your astral body or whatever travel all through the audience and dig whatever it's like out there.
~By Bill Kreutzmann ~

My opinion is that a poet should express the emotion of all the ages and the thought of his own.
~By Thomas Hardy ~

We will not have peace by afterthought.
~By Norman Cousins ~

Humor has historically been tied to the mores of the day. The Yellow Kid was predicated on what people thought was funny about the immigrant Irish. When you're different in a society, you're funny.
~By Will Eisner ~

Oh yes. I'm an actor, so I just learn my lines, and show up and do it. I gave it a little bit of thought.
~By Anthony Hopkins ~

Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, Thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought is great and swift and free.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted - stay up all night or eat ice-cream straight out of the container.
~By Bill Bryson ~

What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is your thoughts and acts of the moment that create your future. The outline of your future path already exists, for you created its pattern by your past.
~By Sai Baba ~

We find that other employees are very enthusiastic about their fellow crew members who have disabilities-or what they previously thought of as disabilities.
~By Carl Karcher ~

I was stillborn. The midwives laid me aside, thought I was really gone. I laid there about an hour, and they picked me back up and tried again, 'cause my body was still warm. The Good Lord brought me back.
~By James Brown ~

I mean, I really don't want the federal government to be determining whether or not a person who feels certain ways about the environment or about animals or about certain religious issues should be considered an extremist. That to me is a type of thought control, mind control, which is very dangerous.
~By Peter King ~

I had to skydive for the movie and I was terrified. Like everybody, I thought it was going to be one of those experiences that changes your life. It didn't.
~By Yancy Butler ~

Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.
~By John Dryden ~

Most of the people that I went to school with - I went to secondary school - we were educated to go and work in the line at Ford's, and if we were lucky, technical skilled labor. I sort of rejected that, and thought I wanted to do something else.
~By Billy Bragg ~

As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too.
~By Johnny Depp ~

They would never let me be a crossing guard when I was a little kid. It would come up, I'd always raise my hand, I would never get picked . They thought I was too wild, but I knew I was responsible enough, if I was given that task.
~By Mark Ruffalo ~

Growing up, I didn't give my grandfather's photography a second thought. I wasn't involved in his work, except that I helped my dad print his negatives.
~By Kim Weston ~

Well, in 1947... in Europe and in Italy especially, we thought of America as all-powerful.
~By Giovanni Agnelli ~

If there are similarities, it's simply because the same thoughts that occurred to other people also occurred to me. I'd be astonished if anyone could come up with any truly original powers that were at all interesting any more.
~By Brad Bird ~

How frail the human heart must be - a mirrored pool of thought.
~By Sylvia Plath ~

The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.
~By Marcus Aurelius ~

I went to college for one semester, and I took every subject I could, and I ended up failing. So I thought to myself, Ever since I was a kid, I've loved expression - and that's when I started thinking about acting.
~By Derek Luke ~

I was really tired of words like 'plus size,' 'round' and 'large.' I thought, 'Come on, we're fat.'
~By Kirstie Alley ~

We got touring with the Stones, and people were trying to keep up with Keith. He's like a human machine with a constitution of iron, and they all thought they could do the same.
~By Ron Wood ~

Because people have no thoughts to deal in, they deal cards, and try and win one another's money. Idiots!
~By Arthur Schopenhauer ~

The commandment of God is, that we love Our Lord in all our heart, in all our soul, in all our thought.
~By Richard Rolle ~

The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.
~By Albert Camus ~

To be honest with you, when I got into this I never thought about reviews. I never thought about what people would say about me. I was just a young guy who was excited to become a comedian and an actor and I just wanted to get to do what I got to do.
~By Adam Sandler ~

Second thoughts oftentimes are the very worst of all thoughts.
~By William Shenstone ~

Just as there is no loss of basic energy in the universe, so no thought or action is without its effects, present or ultimate, seen or unseen, felt or unfelt.
~By Norman Cousins ~

It's one of my strongest dance pieces - having just done Play Without Words which was veering away from a lot of dance - I thought it would be nice to go back to something with almost the most dance I'd done.
~By Matthew Bourne ~

Whenever I release a record, it's my record. It's not a selfish thought. I may work all year 'round for other people. So, finally, when I come out with my own album, it should be me with the creative help of other musicians.
~By Eberhard Weber ~

As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value than a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself.
~By Arthur Schopenhauer ~

We were building a - what I thought was a fantastic company. We had great people. We were changing - we were changing the way the marketplace operated. We were creating a market for natural gas and electricity that had never existed before.
~By Jeffrey Skilling ~

In fact, words are well adapted for description and the arousing of emotion, but for many kinds of precise thought other symbols are much better.
~By John B. S. Haldane ~

Well, no, I didn't because I didn't even know the nominations were coming out. I gotta say, it wasn't even on my radar. I hadn't... I hadn't even thought about it.
~By Will Arnett ~

I've never written a song that I thought was a hit.
~By Richard Marx ~

Many women have told me they remember where they were when they read the book, and how they felt suddenly that what they really thought or felt about things made sense.
~By Carol Gilligan ~

I saw The Sound of Music when I was 10 and thought that it was the most beautiful singing I had ever heard.
~By Lesley Garrett ~

I stopped working a few years ago because I just lost a spark that I'd had before. I thought I'd just try writing, and maybe start directing, but I did it very quietly.
~By Dustin Hoffman ~

My dresses are for women of all different shapes and sizes. Actually, the one I tried on yesterday was the one Jennifer wore. And who'd have thought I'd be the same size as Jennifer Lopez!
~By Victoria Beckham ~

For some days, people thought that India was shaking. But there are always tremors when a great tree falls.
~By Rajiv Gandhi ~

I remember growing up thinking that astronauts and their job was the coolest thing you could possibly do... But I absolutely couldn't identify with the people who were astronauts. I thought they were movie stars.
~By David M. Brown ~

One of the marks of a truly vigorous society is the ability to dispense with passion as a midwife of action - the ability to pass directly from thought to action.
~By Eric Hoffer ~

Early in the morning, I fell in love with the girl that later on became my wife. At that time, we were so naive. I wanted to charm her, so I read her Capital by Marx. I thought somehow she would be convinced by the strength of his criticism about capital.
~By Shimon Peres ~

Well my thoughts on American swimming are that our prospects look favorable, but we may not have as strong a showing in the gold medal count as in previous Olympics. But I am not coaching.
~By Mark Spitz ~

I always wanted to be an artist, whatever that was, like other chicks want to be stewardesses. I read. I painted. I thought.
~By Janis Joplin ~

The Beginning of Survival is my best album. I am very proud of it, and I am surprised at it, too. I thought some of Travelogue was a little heavy, but I don't think this is heavy.
~By Joni Mitchell ~

Idolatry is in a man's own thought, not in the opinion of another.
~By John Selden ~

When I began, I thought that the way one should work was to do all the research and then write the book.
~By David McCullough ~

I never thought of myself as either a woman or a man. I thought of myself as a person who was born to a writer, who was doomed to be a writer.
~By Marguerite Young ~

I thought Out of Action was better as a catalogue than the honeycomb because the honeycomb was like walking into one compartment and then another compartment.
~By Richard Serra ~

The first comedy screenplay that I wrote was Animal House and I always thought I could and should be a director but no one was about to give me that opportunity on Animal House.
~By Harold Ramis ~

Make my breast transparent as pure crystal, that the world, jealous of me, may see the foulest thought my heart does hold.
~By George Villiers ~

For a long time I thought I was a poet, but that's a high title to claim.
~By Philip Pullman ~

I have thought that I have seen ghosts on many occasions.
~By Taylor Caldwell ~

Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement.
~By Claude M. Bristol ~

Beware thoughts that come in the night.
~By William Least Heat Moon ~

The next thing I knew, I was out of the service and making movies again. My first picture was called, GI Blues. I thought I was still in the army.
~By Elvis Presley ~

This has been a learning experience for me. I also thought that privacy was something we were granted in the Constitution. I have learned from this when in fact the word privacy does not appear in the Constitution.
~By Bill Maher ~

We went into that knowing that we were never going to sell a major record 'cause we didn't sound like these bands, so I just thought this was an opportunity for us to make the kind of records that we wanted and make some money at the same time.
~By Buzz Osborne ~

I was walking down fifth avenue today and I found a wallet, and I was gonna keep it, rather than return it, but I thought: well, if I lost a hundred and fifty dollars, how would I feel? And I realized I would want to be taught a lesson.
~By Emo Philips ~

My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring.
~By Prince William ~

Because I never thought the Lord would treat me any different from any other honest man or that I had an official position that compelled the Lord to help me in any other way than He would help any other man.
~By John Harvey Kellogg ~

I saw the Nutcracker to be a dummy as I thought of its mouth moving like a nutcracker - and also find them pretty scary as they almost have a life of their own.
~By Matthew Bourne ~

At one time I thought he wanted to be an actor. He had certain qualifications, including no money and a total lack of responsibility.
~By Hedda Hopper ~

Life is like a cash register, in that every account, every thought, every deed, like every sale, is registered and recorded.
~By Fulton J. Sheen ~

My thought is me: that is why I cannot stop thinking. I exist because I think I cannot keep from thinking.
~By Jean-Paul Sartre ~

I loved flying as much as I thought I would and continue to fly aircraft.
~By Leroy Chiao ~

I'd always loved to read - and come from a family of readers - but I never thought about writing as a career.
~By Nora Roberts ~

I never thought I was gonna live to 30.
~By Patti Smith ~

I have a rude thought every three seconds!
~By Lee Ryan ~

I always thought I was a singer, but I really am not.
~By Eddie Albert ~

At one point, I actually, ironically, thought I might go into criminology and work with the FBI.
~By Monica Lewinsky ~

First thoughts are not always the best.
~By Vittorio Alfieri ~

We wanted to write a whole song about partying and then taking Yellow Cabs home. That's the weirdest topic we've ever thought of centering a song around.
~By Taryn Manning ~

For in itself a thought, a slumbering thought, is capable of years, and curdles a long life into one hour.
~By Lord Byron ~

But the cause for which we fought was higher; our thought wider... That thought was our power.
~By Joshua Chamberlain ~

So the programs all start to all look the same. I watched one free skating competition, and I thought I was watching a short program. Everyone was doing exactly the same elements.
~By Brian Boitano ~

Baldwin thought Europe was a bore, and Chamberlain thought it was only a greater Birmingham.
~By Winston Churchill ~

Generally students are the best vehicles for passing on ideas, for their thoughts are plastic and can be molded and they can adjust the ideas of old men to the shape of reality as they find it in villages and hills of China or in ghettos and suburbs of America.
~By Theodore White ~

I'm a different person. I don't want to be titled as Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain's daughter. I want to be thought of as Frances Cobain.
~By Frances Bean Cobain ~

I haven't thought about it. I'm not capable of deep thinking.
~By Phil Simms ~

Read This: Variety Quotes And Sayings
October 24 ,2024
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