Today Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Today

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Elizabeth Taylor is gorgeous, beautiful, and she still is today, I'm crazy about her.
~By Michael Jackson ~

I came to office promising major ethics reform to end the culture of self-dealing. And today, that ethics reform is a law. While I was at it, I got rid of a few things in the governor's office that I didn't believe our citizens should have to pay for. That luxury jet was over-the-top. I put it on eBay.
~By Sarah Palin ~

Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong.
~By Ronald Reagan ~

One of the things that wrong with pictures today, I think, is that so many of the people making them started out wanting to.
~By Peter Bogdanovich ~

Everything they say about Elvis today is true. He was just one great guy. He wasn't jealous of anyone. I would say Elvis was really someone special when you add it all up.
~By Bobby Vinton ~

Unlike then, the mail stream of today has diminished by such things as e-mails and faxes and cell phones and text messages, largely electronic means of communication that replace mail.
~By John M. McHugh ~

I have no idea how to become successful in children's tv programming today other than to say that whereever you find that rare animal being pursued, insert yourself into its environment; get in the door in any position and work from within.
~By William Jackson ~

In the kind of world we have today, transformation of humanity might well be our only real hope for survival.
~By Stanislav Grof ~

Today, if you invent a better mousetrap, the government comes along with a better mouse.
~By Ronald Reagan ~

It has been said that our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.
~By Charles Spurgeon ~

Well, I tell young people to be successful today that, first of all, that what you learn today directly impacts what you earn tomorrow. This is a knowledge-based economy.
~By Alexis Herman ~

I would love to be a player today. I had the right personality for it.
~By Billie Jean King ~

The first thing you need to know, in order to establish some perspective and avoid panic, is that the violent government excesses we're seeing today are far from unprecedented.
~By L. Neil Smith ~

No, I think the pitching today has more depth.
~By Ernie Banks ~

I attend surprisingly few shows. The type of theater that is popular today just doesn't appeal to me.
~By Ethel Merman ~

Christ would be a national advertiser today, I am sure, as He was a great advertiser in His own day. He thought of His life as business.
~By Bruce Barton ~

In this day and age when we do so much business in foreign trade, we need the ability to identify trace an animal very quickly, identifying where it came from - where it has been, and where it is at today.
~By Mike Johanns ~

One of the experts bought his first piece at the age of four, so they did start very young, most of them. They did it out of genuine interest but today's kids are much more materialistic and there's a danger, I suppose, that they might just be out to make dosh.
~By Michael Aspel ~

You must make the product interesting, not just make the ad different. And that's what too many of the copywriters in the U.S. today don't yet understand.
~By Rosser Reeves ~

Work as though you would live forever, and live as though you would die today. Go another mile!
~By Og Mandino ~

Today's tax cuts provide yet another illustration of the Republicans' fiscally irresponsible economic policies that ignore the needs of America's middle class, students, and working families.
~By Ellen Tauscher ~

Only by strict specialization can the scientific worker become fully conscious, for once and perhaps never again in his lifetime, that he has achieved something that will endure. A really definitive and good accomplishment is today always a specialized act.
~By Max Weber ~

I earn and pay my own way as a great many women do today.
~By Dinah Shore ~

There's many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory but it is all hell.
~By William Tecumseh Sherman ~

From today I am no longer a racing driver. I'm retired and I am very happy.
~By Jackie Stewart ~

Although I managed my schedule to be home by late afternoon most days, basically, Roselle raised our children alone. And so I missed out on a lot of wonderful moments, missed watching my kids grow into the wonderful people they are today.
~By Perry Como ~

Today the Internet is run by private sector interests within the United States under the supervision of a nonprofit entity formed by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
~By Robin Hayes ~

If human beings are to survive in a nuclear age, committing acts of violence may eventually have to become as embarrassing as urinating or defecating in public are today.
~By Myriam Miedzian ~

What the heart knows today the head will understand tomorrow.
~By James Stephens ~

I have worked closely with many of our county commissioners, mayors, local transportation officials, and others to determine project needs in the 18th District, and they deserve a great deal of thanks for today's victory on the House floor.
~By Bob Ney ~

I made a written report which is still today in existence. I have a photocopy of it, and I am saying that in production this aircraft could perhaps substitute for three propeller- driven aircraft of the best existing type. This was my impression.
~By Adolf Galland ~

The highest percentage of African Americans own their own homes today than ever in our nation's history.
~By Ed Gillespie ~

The press briefing today I believe has lost much of its usefulness.
~By Marlin Fitzwater ~

Today, the Federal minimum wage purchases less than it has at any point in the last 50 years. Let me repeat: The Federal minimum wage purchases less than it has at any point in the last 50 years.
~By Alcee Hastings ~

Im more in love with Rock n Roll today than other things. It grows, you know?
~By Bon Scott ~

Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either.
~By Gore Vidal ~

That's another thing about today's stars that makes me glad that I'm not doing it any more. The stars come with ten people all around them. I don't know how you ever make any personal contact with them.
~By Julie Harris ~

See, that's nothing but blues, that's all I'm singing about. It's today's blues.
~By Jimi Hendrix ~

The paradoxes of today are the prejudices of tomorrow, since the most benighted and the most deplorable prejudices have had their moment of novelty when fashion lent them its fragile grace.
~By Marcel Proust ~

It is not the cares of today, but the cares of tomorrow, that weigh a man down.
~By George MacDonald ~

It is not so for art in appreciation because art is concerned with human behavior. And science is concerned with the behavior of metal or energy. It depends on what the fashion is. Now today it's energy. It's the same soul behind it. The same soul, you see.
~By Josef Albers ~

The hardest thing is to go to sleep at night, when there are so many urgent things needing to be done. A huge gap exists between what we know is possible with today's machines and what we have so far been able to finish.
~By Donald Knuth ~

I've said this forever - I've always believed the Today show is more than the sum of its parts.
~By Jeff Zucker ~

Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.
~By Dale Carnegie ~

You can't put those guys like Marciano or anyone else in with today's class of fighters.
~By Larry Holmes ~

Today, Web services is really about developing for the server. What it means to developers is any set of systems services that you make a Web service you to access by any kind of device with a highly interactive client, not just a browser.
~By John Fowler ~

Two races share today the soil of Canada. These people had not always been friends. But I hasten to say it. There is no longer any family here but the human family. It matters not the language people speak, or the altars at which they kneel.
~By Wilfrid Laurier ~

I think a smart person today realizes that you have to be part of the art films that are done just for the sake of the art.
~By Halle Berry ~

Everybody would love to be mayor of Chicago. If you look at what we have done over many, many years and where we are today and the commitment by the business community, the commitment by the not-for-profit community - all this coming together - this is a wonderful city.
~By Richard M. Daley ~

Now, if we look at the way in which the labor movement itself has evolved over the last couple of decades, we see increasing numbers of black people who are in the leadership of the labor movement and this is true today.
~By Angela Davis ~

I can only hope the federal aid made available today will be sufficient in our recovery efforts, and pray that our citizens continue to be safe from the fallout of this dangerous natural disaster.
~By Mike Rogers ~

Today's Russia is not to be compared with the Soviet Union of back then.
~By Angela Merkel ~

Measured by any standard, white or black, Washington must be regarded today as one of the great men of this country: and in the future he will be so honored.
~By Ray Stannard Baker ~

I just sat down and thought, I'm going to write a song today, I'm going to give it a try. So I just stuck it on a tape like everything else. That was just another song.
~By Jules Shear ~

You have to remember that coaching wasn't sophisticated back then - you didn't have the camps, clinics and all the technical advances that are available today - so from that standpoint, playing with a cast on my arm was a fortunate event in my life.
~By Bob Cousy ~

Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.
~By Jinato Hu ~

In liberal democracy and anxious anarchy, the traditional classic dance, compact of aristocratic authority and absolute freedom in a necessity of order, has never been so promising as an independent expression as it is today.
~By Lincoln Kirstein ~

You compose because you want to somehow summarize in some permanent form your most basic feelings about being alive, to set down... some sort of permanent statement about the way it feels to live now, today.
~By Aaron Copland ~

Today, diabetes is now epidemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, the American Diabetes Association and other national healthcare leaders.
~By Tim Holden ~

I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.
~By Adolf Hitler ~

Today we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage, compassion and character.
~By George W. Bush ~

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.
~By Leo Buscaglia ~

I have the utmost respect for those who have come to this country legally and have contributed to the great melting pot that is America today. But those who have crossed our borders illegally have broken the law and the law ought to be enforced.
~By Bob Ney ~

We came in today with a chip on our shoulder to prove who we are.
~By Bill Laimbeer ~

I prefer to work alone and do everything alone, even today.
~By Ray Harryhausen ~

Getting to where Delaware State is today was a challenge my friends - a challenge proudly met by the people of this community and the Delaware State family.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

That's where the future lies, in the youth of today.
~By Willie Stargell ~

And we do talk a lot about my past and my impression of things and how it relates to what we're doing now. The Brady Bunch, in its heyday, was really the genesis of when TV started to become the force that it is today.
~By Mike Lookinland ~

Back then, it was more or less we couldn't change a line in our script. We weren't allowed to change lines. Today, actors change everything and won't do parts. It's very different today. Back then, the producers were in charge. Today actors are more in charge.
~By Donna Douglas ~

Today, I, too, wish to reaffirm that I intend to continue on the path toward improved relations and friendship with the Jewish people, following the decisive lead given by John Paul II.
~By Pope Benedict XVI ~

The big debate right now is if Saddam is alive or dead. He's dead, then he's alive, then dead, then alive. It's just confusing. Today they showed videotape, and Saddam was speaking at his own funeral.
~By David Letterman ~

In the 1950s we use to feel that television was taking away our comic readership; with today's exciting, powerfully visual movies I have to wonder about their effect on the kids' loyalty to the comic book medium all over again.
~By Joe Simon ~

The great trouble with baseball today is that most of the players are in the game for the money and that's it, not for the love of it, the excitement of it, the thrill of it.
~By Ty Cobb ~

Today's China is not in the least shut out from the rest of the world. Trends come to us from all over the world. And the Internet is really developed in China. We get news from all over the world.
~By Zhang Ziyi ~

I don't know what drives me, I don't have a clue, but I'm driven more today than I ever have been.
~By Vince McMahon ~

I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty.
~By Nancy Reagan ~

Barbara Boxer is the most bitterly partisan, most anti-defense senator in the United States Senate today. I know that because I've had the unpleasant experience of having to serve with her.
~By John McCain ~

The past, the present and the future are really one: they are today.
~By Harriet Beecher Stowe ~

Somewhere between a third and a quarter of all people living in America today were born between 1946 and 1965 and if you think you're tired of hearing about us, you should try being one of us.
~By Anna Quindlen ~

To my sick little pal. I will try to knock you another homer, maybe two today.
~By George Herman ~

Today, many people are engaging in same sex relationships and saying they are not gay.
~By Pam Grier ~

Those of us who are today prepared to hazard our lives for the cause would regret having raised a finger, if we were able to organize only a new social system and not a more righteous one.
~By Theodor Herzl ~

I used to help my granddaddy make sausage. He would mix it up in a cleaned-out washtub with his hands, no gloves. Man, if we did anything like that today, they would jack the jail up and throw us under it.
~By Jimmy Dean ~

And you also have to do movies that are about commerce because that's what is required of the industry today.
~By Halle Berry ~

Well, today, we are in the struggle brought on to us by the terrorists of Islam. It is a war that we did not choose. It was a war that was declared against us as Americans, against our people, against our Constitution.
~By Todd Tiahrt ~

All we can do when we think of kids today is think of more hours of school, earlier age at the computer, and curfews. Who would want to grow up in that world?
~By James Hillman ~

The only hope of socialism resides in those who have already brought about in themselves, as far as is possible in the society of today, that union between manual and intellectual labor which characterizes the society we are aiming at.
~By Simone Weil ~

My vocal style I haven't tried to copy from anyone. It just developed until it became the girlish whine it is today.
~By Robert Plant ~

What turned me on then, and turns me on even today - and when the time comes from me to retire from management I think I'd still be interested in it - is that everything that happens in the world affects the price of securities.
~By Sanford I. Weill ~

Once Ptolemy and Plato, yesterday Newton, today Einstein, and tomorrow new faiths, new beliefs, and new dimensions.
~By Albert Claude ~

Most of the music you hear on the radio today is developed for making money. It doesn't feel true or honest. You can feel it in the music.
~By Iris DeMent ~

You have to remember that when I met Elvis, you know, it wasn't the fanfare that it is today or even when he was here in the states and I was in Germany growing up.
~By Priscilla Presley ~

Many composers today don't know what the human throat is.
~By Elisabeth Schwarzkopf ~

One of the fundamental questions of today's world is undoubtedly the question of equitable globalisation.
~By Janez Drnovsek ~

Sometimes the archaism of the language when it's spoken is why we are all in love with the Irish today.
~By Diane Wakoski ~

Today, I'm very careful not to mention very specific locations when I write or give captions.
~By Galen Rowell ~

Individual investors have become far more powerful than anyone gives them credit for. Today, 85 million Americans invest in stocks. Collectively, that kind of buying and selling power can move markets.
~By Maria Bartiromo ~

Every American born today owes $43,000 to the federal government the day she or he is born. And we are transferring a tremendous amount of debt to the new generation, much of it owed to overseas creditors who expect to be repaid by our children with interest.
~By Mark Kirk ~

As far as we are concerned, we are ready to leave today, tomorrow, at any time, to join the people of Haiti, to share in their suffering, help rebuild the country, moving from misery to poverty with dignity.
~By Jean-Bertrand Aristide ~

Some mornings you wake up and think, gee I look handsome today. Other days I think, what am I doing in the movies? I wanna go back to Ireland and drive a forklift.
~By Liam Neeson ~

Read This: Conscience Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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