Tourists Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Tourists

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To supply people for ages in camps makes no sense... you have to rebuild that cabana that they rent out to tourists on the weekend. They need help getting their fields repaired and their boats repaired.
~By Sam Worthington ~

Since both its national products, snow and chocolate, melt, the cuckoo clock was invented solely in order to give tourists something solid to remember it by.
~By Alan Coren ~

It's tourists in New York. Everything is geared towards that. It's so hard on Broadway now for them to get people in there. They have to compete with so many other entertainments, so they have to bring a star in which puts people there out of work.
~By Delta Burke ~

The worst thing about being a tourist is having other tourists recognize you as a tourist.
~By Russell Baker ~

We are each other's seventh largest trading partner, we are the fifth largest investor there and likewise, we have a lot of exchanges between political leaders, businessmen, tourists and school children too.
~By Sellapan Ramanathan ~

But the Spain which emerged around 1960, beginning with its economic miracle, created by the invasion of tourists, can no longer result in impassioned dedication on the part of its intellectuals, and even less on the part of foreign intellectuals.
~By Juan Goytisolo ~

I have come to the conclusion that the major part of the work of a President is to increase the gate receipts of expositions and fairs and bring tourists to town.
~By William Howard Taft ~

The Smithsonian Festival of American Folklife, actually, was an effort to put something on the mall in Washington so American tourists could walk through America, and in their minds everything on the mall would be American.
~By Bernice Johnson Reagon ~

We are all tourists in history, and irony is what we win in wars.
~By Anatole Broyard ~

Carloads of tourists would photograph the family mailbox, and there was weird mail, death threats.
~By Henry Thomas ~

I quit flying years ago. I don't want to die with tourists.
~By Billy Bob Thornton ~

With everything it has to offer, Las Vegas is an obvious destination for tourists, as proven by the over 40 million visitors the city welcomes per year.
~By Jon Porter ~

The world does not need tourists who ride by in a bus clucking their tongues. The world as it is needs those who will love it enough to change it, with what they have, where they are.
~By Robert Fulghum ~

There's no way New Orleans will ever be the city it was. I think it will have half the population. They may create a sort of Disneyland at the French Quarter for tourists. The rest I don't know.
~By Geraldo Rivera ~

Yeah, I had an idea to make a very scary movie, based on a kind of serial murderer that preys on tourists.
~By Brian De Palma ~

Prayer for many is like a foreign land. When we go there, we go as tourists. Like most tourists, we feel uncomfortable and out of place. Like most tourists, we therefore move on before too long and go somewhere else.
~By Robert McAfee Brown ~

The average tourist wants to go to places where there are no tourists.
~By Sam Ewing ~

In the middle ages people were tourists because of their religion, whereas now they are tourists because tourism is their religion.
~By Robert Runcie ~

I did not feel 'evil' when I wrote advertisements for Puerto Rico. They helped attract industry and tourists to a country which had been living on the edge of starvation for 400 years.
~By David Ogilvy ~

Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going.
~By Paul Theroux ~

The People's Republic of China has not yet reached the military might of the Soviet Empire. It requires a little more time and a little more infusion of Western aid, loans, technology and the hard currency of our tourists.
~By Barbara Amiel ~

After I convinced them that I was a harmless novelist, I actually got them to give me a tour of the harem - which is usually off limits for tourists.
~By Dorothy Dunnett ~

How many people have a family grave in the backyard? I'm sure I'll end up there, or I'll shrink my head and put it in a glass box in the living room. I'll get more tourists to Graceland that way.
~By Lisa Marie Presley ~

The tourist may complain of other tourists, but he would be lost without them.
~By Agnes Repplier ~

The Broadway audience is made up of a greater percentage of tourists now. There's not nearly as much variety and danger and challenge in what's being offered.
~By John Lithgow ~

I represent central Florida, which depends on tourists for its economic survival. We need people to be able to get to the State and enjoy it.
~By Corrine Brown ~

I am leaving the town to the invaders: increasingly numerous, mediocre, dirty, badly behaved, shameless tourists.
~By Brigitte Bardot ~

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July 27 ,2024
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