Tradition Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Tradition

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My purpose is to have American Jews look away from the success story with which they've cheered themselves up, and to have them remember the classical tradition, whatever it is.
~By Arthur Hertzberg ~

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.
~By Jacques Barzun ~

There's a tradition in British intellectual life of mocking any non-political force that gets involved in politics, especially within the sphere of the arts and the theatre.
~By Harold Pinter ~

I see myself as a true modernist. Even when I do a traditional gown, I give it a modern twist. I go to the past for research. I need to know what came before so I can break the rules.
~By Vera Wang ~

Whether it is the old lady's fear, or the many ghostly traditions of this place, or the crucifix itself, I do not know, but I am not feeling nearly as easy in my mind as usual.
~By Bram Stoker ~

It would be flattering to call it a modern Dirty Harry, but I think this film deals more with the loss of his wife than the traditional revenge vigilante films.
~By Vin Diesel ~

I'm passing on a tradition of which I am part. There's a long line of poets who went before me, and I'm another one, and I'm hoping to pass that on to other younger, or newer, poets than myself.
~By Diane Wakoski ~

The difference between the more traditional sports clubs and Congress is that Congress doesn't really compete against another team.
~By Cal Thomas ~

Oklahomans value our children and our seniors. Oklahomans value traditions of faith. Oklahomans value our heroes, our veterans. Oklahomans value innovation and the creative arts.
~By Brad Henry ~

Traditional songwriting, to us, is where the experimental nature comes in. We're all involved with so much outside activity with really hardcore, experimental music-making.
~By Thurston Moore ~

Mine is not a traditional music, but it comes from a tradition.
~By Tom Chapin ~

Both Jewish and Roman sources and traditions admit an empty tomb.
~By Josh McDowell ~

I say it is indispensable to look ahead of and behind oneself in the present. If there is such a thing as tradition, and I believe there is, it can only exist in the sense of the most profound movements of culture.
~By Robert Delaunay ~

We shall listen, not lecture; learn, not threaten. We will enhance our safety by earning the respect of others and showing respect for them. In short, our foreign policy will rest on the traditional American values of restraint and empathy, not on military might.
~By Theodore C. Sorensen ~

Traditionally art is to create and not to revive. To revive: leave that to the historians, who are looking backward.
~By Josef Albers ~

I enjoy listening to classical music and heavy metal. I play basketball and try to go diving at least once a year. I don't really have hobbies in the traditional sense... I engage in too many activities already through the actions of my characters.
~By Alan Dean Foster ~

The president welcomes peaceful protests - it is a time-honored tradition. The president agrees violence is not the answer in Iraq, and that's why he hopes Saddam Hussein will disarm.
~By Ari Fleischer ~

Not a single man on earth knows from his own experience the how and where of his birth, only from tradition, which is often very uncertain.
~By E. T. A. Hoffmann ~

Thrillers have been traditionally very masculine books; the women characters often rather decorative.
~By Ken Follett ~

My personal political convictions are rooted in the populist political traditions of western Canada.
~By Preston Manning ~

Here an attempt is made to explain suffering: the outcaste of traditional Hinduism is held to deserve his fetched fate; it is a punishment for the wrongs he did in a previous life.
~By Walter Kaufmann ~

My father, one of the great entrepreneurs and philanthropists of this state, taught me that capital - monetary or political - is to be used to benefit others. I intend to continue that tradition.
~By Jon Huntsman, Jr. ~

Because it equates tradition with prejudice, the left finds itself increasingly unable to converse with ordinary people in their common language.
~By Christopher Lasch ~

The Faculty of Technology of Tohoku University is renowned for its tradition of practical studies.
~By Koichi Tanaka ~

It's not that I wanted to be an actor; it's that I didn't want to be a dancer! I was trained in traditional Chinese dance, and after working so hard it seemed unfair to just disappear into a group.
~By Ziyi Zhang ~

Most painting in the European tradition was painting the mask. Modern art rejected all that. Our subject matter was the person behind the mask.
~By Robert Motherwell ~

The old Court you and I served so long will not be worthy of its traditions if Nixon can twist, turn and fashion If Nixon gets away with that, then Nixon makes the law as he goes along - not the Congress nor the courts.
~By Earl Warren ~

It seems to me that the idea traditionally defended of endeavoring to maintain existing ethnic balances simply doesn't work any more.
~By William F. Buckley, Jr. ~

What is new in all of this is that the old poles of attraction represented by nation-states, parties, professions, institutions, and historical traditions are losing their attraction.
~By Jean-Francois Lyotard ~

The traditional Christian attitude toward human personality was that human nature was essentially good and that it was formed and modified by social pressures and training.
~By Carroll Quigley ~

People ask 'do you make a conscious effort not to swear?' - if you're doing silly stuff you're not tempted to put swearing in. All the comics from my childhood, who were funny without swearing, were the people that influenced me. What I do is quite traditional anyway.
~By Tim Vine ~

What everybody misses here is that we are doing the same thing my father did. He licensed and litigated and protected his property, and we have to follow the same tradition, because the way the law reads, if you don't protect it, you lose it.
~By Dexter S. King ~

I think it's a Blondie tradition that all of our albums sort of have a wide spread of styles.
~By Debbie Harry ~

Let's try winning and see what it feels like. If we don't like it, we can go back to our traditions.
~By Paul Tsongas ~

In contrast, traditional classical music starts from an abstract musical schema. This is then notated and only expressed in concrete sound as a last stage, when it is performed.
~By Pierre Schaeffer ~

Whatever he does should be seen as working at the Presidency and if he goes to Colorado for Christmas, it should be for a minimum amount of time, the family tradition and family get-together aspect emphasized, and it be seen as a working vacation.
~By Robert Teeter ~

One of the strongest and most persistent elements in national development has been that inheritance of political traditions and usages which the new settlers brought with them.
~By Albert Bushnell Hart ~

American movies and music deliver themes of freedom, innocence, and power that appeal to others - partly because America itself was put together out of a multiplicity of national traditions.
~By Todd Gitlin ~

Well, dojo is a traditional Japanese word for training hall.
~By Joseph Jarman ~

I've always been clear, I support the traditional definition of marriage.
~By Stephen Harper ~

There has been a strong tradition in this country that it is not the function of the military to educate the public on political issues.
~By James W. Fulbright ~

In liberal democracy and anxious anarchy, the traditional classic dance, compact of aristocratic authority and absolute freedom in a necessity of order, has never been so promising as an independent expression as it is today.
~By Lincoln Kirstein ~

For some reason I've been labeled that and it's fine, but there are a lot of other artists that sing real traditional stuff, so I don't know why they picked me. That's what I've always done.
~By Alan Jackson ~

There is no conflict between favouring Islamic and traditional values and being more open and international.
~By Hassanal Bolkiah ~

To recover a spiritual tradition in which creation, and the study of creation, matters would be to inaugurate new possibilities between spirituality and science that would shape the paradigms for culture, its institution, and its people.
~By Matthew Fox ~

The invention of Bob Dylan with his guitar belongs in its way to the same kind of tradition of something meant to be heard, as the songs of Homer.
~By Robert Fitzgerald ~

When we did concerts, we wanted them to be theatrical events - collaborations with designers, choreographers, and directors - because we thought traditional rock concerts were boring.
~By Neil Tennant ~

It amazes me sometimes that even intelligent people will analyze a situation or make a judgement after only recognizing the standard or traditional structure of a piece.
~By David Bowie ~

You have to understand that once an indictment has been signed, all countries that are signature to the U.N. charter will hand a person straight over. You don't have to go through the normal extradition process.
~By Tony Greig ~

If you're going to use standards as criteria for signing musicians, you can sign thousands. If you're going to use some sort of conceptual interpretation that's based on the tradition of those standards, but is trying to move away from it, you're down to about 10 people or so.
~By Branford Marsalis ~

The greatest impediments to changes in our traditional roles seem to lie not in the visible world of conscious intent, but in the murky realm of the unconscious mind.
~By Augustus Y. Napier ~

At the beginning of the nineteenth century we abandoned tradition, it's at that point that I intend to renew it because the present is built on the past just as the past was built on the times that went before it.
~By Adolf Loos ~

Far from being the product of a democratic revolution and of an opposition to English institutions, the constitution of the United States was the result of a powerful reaction against democracy, and in favor of the traditions of the mother country.
~By John Acton ~

I have been interested in Irish traditional music for the past few years.
~By Nobuo Uematsu ~

A child is beset with long traditions. And his infancy is so old, so old, that the mere adding of years in the life to follow will not seem to throw it further back - it is already so far.
~By Alice Meynell ~

Tradition does not mean that the living are dead, it means that the dead are living.
~By Harold MacMillan ~

We are all part of a tradition, at least we depend on the past.
~By Klaus Schulze ~

I love music passionately. And because I love it I try to free it from barren traditions that stifle it.
~By Claude Debussy ~

The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.
~By Ruth Benedict ~

I do have a small collection of traditional SF ideas which I've never been able to sell. I'm known as a fantasy writer and neither my agent nor my editors want to risk my brand by jumping genre.
~By Lynn Abbey ~

Pastoral theology and care helps people look deeper at the intersection between their inherited religious traditions and their current life situations.
~By Larry Graham ~

And I am also here to say that if something were to happen, we are prepared to respond swiftly, to respond effectively, and to respond strongly. That is our tradition as a country. And that is a tradition that we will uphold, regardless of any circumstance because this nation is one that is very, very strong and, indeed, extraordinarily resilient.
~By Janet Napolitano ~

Ben was more improvisational, and relied less on methodology, and basically is a guitarist who switched to bass, whereas Jeff has a more traditional approach to playing bass in a band, and has a great sense of what his band sounds like, and we lock up nicely.
~By Matt Cameron ~

Because it's not only that a child is inseparable from the family in which he lives, but that the lives of families are determined by the community in which they live and the cultural tradition from which they come.
~By Bernice Weissbourd ~

When I think of the library of Alexandria and of the fact that, although it burnt down, people continue to sort the letters of the alphabet according to that tradition, then that makes certain expressions of modernity, even of interventions on the textual level, possible.
~By Alexander Kluge ~

The American patriots of today continue the tradition of the long line of patriots before them, by helping to promote liberty and freedom around the world.
~By John Linder ~

What I'm going to be given I gather is not the key to the city, which in many cities is the case. It's the freedom medal, and for me freedom has always been associated traditionally within the city.
~By George Woodcock ~

To the extent that I come from a deeply religious tradition and have been contending with those beginnings all of my life - that constitutes the subject of much of my early fiction.
~By Chaim Potok ~

In 1978, the tradition of running from village to village with a message was revived. that first run was from Davis to Los Angeles, a distance of 500 miles.
~By Dennis Banks ~

At every crossroads on the path that leads to the future, tradition has placed 10,000 men to guard the past.
~By Maurice Maeterlinck ~

Our tradition of political thought had its definite beginning in the teachings of Plato and Aristotle. I believe it came to a no less definite end in the theories of Karl Marx.
~By Hannah Arendt ~

I have a great advantage over many of my colleagues inasmuch as my students bring with them to class their own personal knowledge of national, regional, religious, ethnic, occupational, and family folklore traditions.
~By Alan Dundes ~

Dick Clark is an American icon. I am honored that he has entrusted me with such a role in this national tradition.
~By Ryan Seacrest ~

In the financial system we have today, with less risk concentrated in banks, the probability of systemic financial crises may be lower than in traditional bank-centered financial systems.
~By Timothy Geithner ~

Blacks have traditionally had to operate in a situation where whites have set themselves up as the custodians of the black experience.
~By August Wilson ~

Well, more than me saying to the rest of the country music industry there is not enough traditional country music - that is not necessarily the statement in truth. I think more so that I, me, missed it more than anything else.
~By Vince Gill ~

What I learned, a little too late, was that the 'traditional' Martin Short target viewer weighs under 300 pounds. Unfortunately, I was on during daytime.
~By Martin Short ~

What they fear, I think rightly, is that traditional Vietnamese society cannot survive the American economic and cultural impact.
~By J. William Fulbright ~

As beautiful as simplicity is, it can become a tradition that stands in the way of exploration.
~By Laura Nyro ~

When you're doing the traditional musicals, singing songs that are 40 and 50 years old, you realize there's a reason why those musicals are hits. These are amazing songs!
~By Tom Wopat ~

You have always had individual directors who begin in the advertising or commercial world, but they are probably exceptions rather than the traditional pattern.
~By Ann Macbeth ~

The thing that people seem to miss about not just Google, but also our competitors, Yahoo, eBay and so forth, is that there's an awful lot of communities that have never been served by traditional media.
~By Eric Schmidt ~

The assumption must be that those who can see value only in tradition, or versions of it, deny man's ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
~By Stephen Bayley ~

Darwin's idea of natural selection makes people uncomfortable because it reverses the direction of tradition.
~By Daniel Dennett ~

The fate of every democracy, of every government based on the sovereignty of the people, depends on the choices it makes between these opposite principles, absolute power on the one hand, and on the other the restraints of legality and the authority of tradition.
~By John Acton ~

Tradition is the illusion of permanance.
~By Woody Allen ~

The Berlin Wall wasn't the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell.
~By Fareed Zakaria ~

You can find more traditional Shakespeare than we do. But what we want to bring to these works is energy, passion, freshness.
~By John Bradshaw ~

I'm not a traditional politician, and I have a sense of humor. I'll try to soften it and become boring, maybe even very boring, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.
~By Silvio Berlusconi ~

Physicists are more like avant-garde composers, willing to bend traditional rules... Mathematicians are more like classical composers.
~By Brian Greene ~

We were constantly moving to different countries and adjusting to new things. It was such a free feeling. I'm glad I didn't have a traditional upbringing.
~By River Phoenix ~

Tradition can, to be sure, participate in a creation, but it can no longer be creative itself.
~By Kenzo Tange ~

I tend to turn down books originally published as e-books. As for selling books directly to e-book publishers, I would do so only if all traditional publishers had turned them down.
~By Richard Curtis ~

There's the tradition in jazz of having the Battle of the Bands, and you do not want to get your head cut when you're playing.
~By Wynton Marsalis ~

A whole generation of young whites have involved themselves with traditional Negro music.
~By Archie Shepp ~

Countries under foreign command quickly forget their history, their past, their tradition, their national symbols, their way of living, often their own literary language.
~By Slobodan Milosevic ~

From this process has emerged a parallel process of translating traditional working and living values into a new political and economic power - a power increasingly based upon the strength of money and those material things money can purchase.
~By Alex Campbell ~

My last two records that I made were both quite pointed in one direction and I think I do my best stuff when it's all over the map, when there's a couple traditional things, a couple pretty rocking things.
~By Vince Gill ~

Traditionally the great men of our country have sprung from poor environments; that being so, it would appear we have long suffered from a severe lack of poverty.
~By Gerald F. Lieberman ~

With faith and courage, generations of Armenians have overcome great suffering and proudly preserved their culture, traditions, and religion and have told the story of the genocide to an often indifferent world.
~By Jerry Costello ~

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July 27 ,2024
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