Travel Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Travel

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I also never went there when I was little because I was too busy working and traveling on national tours.
~By Christy Romano ~

I haven't travelled that much before so this is the first time I get to see the big cities of Europe. I've never even been to US.
~By Ville Valo ~

I'm basically for the whole year just traveling with three suitcases.
~By Paige Davis ~

If the graves of the thousands of victims who have fallen in the terrible wars of the two races had been placed in line the philanthropist might travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Lakes to the Gulf, and be constantly in sight of green mounds.
~By Nelson A. Miles ~

Travelers repose and dream among my leaves.
~By William Blake ~

I think it's important to travel around in order to get a notion of what's going on, to find out what people are think about. I enjoy talking on campuses most because people are more informed and discussion is generally livelier.
~By Harrison Salisbury ~

Man is an artifact designed for space travel. He is not designed to remain in his present biologic state any more than a tadpole is designed to remain a tadpole.
~By William S. Burroughs ~

If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.
~By John D. Rockefeller ~

Sincerity is like traveling on a plain, beaten road, which commonly brings a man sooner to his journey's end than by-ways, in which men often lose themselves.
~By John Tillotson ~

The growth of Stewart Airport creates new jobs for area residents, brings new business and new travelers to the region, and brings new convenient travel options to those of us living in the Hudson Valley.
~By Sue Kelly ~

Travelling expands the mind rarely.
~By Hans Christian Andersen ~

To walk behind others on a road you are traveling together, to give precedence to others without envy - this is painful for an individual and painful for a nation.
~By Gustav Stresemann ~

My dad was a musician and I traveled around with him, so it was something that I knew.
~By Taryn Manning ~

Although my book is banned I am still allowed to go to China and travel. There is no longer the kind of control that Mao used to have-there have been deep fundamental changes in society.
~By Jung Chang ~

That's one great thing about my profession, traveling to locations.
~By Dean Stockwell ~

This evening I wish to suggest that we Christians should accompany people on their pilgrimages. Specifically we should travel with people as they search for the good, the true and the beautiful.
~By Timothy Radcliffe ~

It's a well known thing that ordinary perceptions can have a strange aspect when one is travelling.
~By Kenneth Koch ~

Until 1914 I loved to travel; I often went to Italy and once spent a few months in India. Since then I have almost entirely abandoned travelling, and I have not been outside of Switzerland for over ten years.
~By Herman Hesse ~

I travel for work, but recently, friends said I should take major trips.
~By Jeff Goldblum ~

To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
~By Aldous Huxley ~

I've always traveled, as a kid my parents moved me around, a different place in Germany every four years. But I got the travel bug when I was a kid, living in different countries.
~By Dominic Monaghan ~

After a lifetime of world travel I've been fascinated that those in the third world don't have the same perception of reality that we do.
~By Jim Harrison ~

The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.
~By Shirley MacLaine ~

As I traveled from one country to another, no one knew anything about me. So I could be anybody, I could speak as I wished, act as I wished, dress as I wished.
~By Kathleen Turner ~

One travels like a golf ball, hopping from green to green.
~By John Gunther ~

As I travel across the country speaking about MS, perhaps I can offer others comfort and hope.
~By Annette Funicello ~

Every day is intense and alive, whether it's travel, work, even down time, which there is so little of.
~By Josh Lucas ~

Almost 70 percent of U.S. ag exports travel the upper Mississippi River and the Illinois waterway system.
~By Jerry Costello ~

The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

For a traveler going from any place toward the north, that pole of the daily rotation gradually climbs higher, while the opposite pole drops down an equal amount.
~By Nicolaus Copernicus ~

The idea is to have global standards. There is so much travel that if you just had a regional standard, it would probably ultimately have to be changed.
~By Gijs de Vries ~

The north of the Central African Republic is now a war zone, with rival armed bands burning villages, kidnapping children, robbing travelers and killing people with impunity.
~By Nicholas D. Kristof ~

I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity of travelling across this country and enduring all the classic situations that go with talking to people.
~By Barbara Amiel ~

The need for this clinic is clear to me, to the veterans who are currently forced to travel hours to receive care, and even to the Veterans Administration that itself identified creation of a clinic in this part of our state as a priority to be completed by 2006.
~By Doc Hastings ~

I got well by talking. Death could not get a word in edgewise, grew discouraged, and traveled on.
~By Louise Erdrich ~

The traveller with empty pockets will sing in the thief 's face.
~By Juvenal ~

It was in the Papal States that I studied the Roman Question. I traveled over every part of the country; I conversed with men of all opinions, examined things very closely, and collected my information on the spot.
~By Edmond About ~

I'm interested to go other places, I've been the boy in the bubble since we've been shooting, I need to go travel a little bit, see where the action is, other than going to see family, of course.
~By George Eads ~

So it allows me to travel, I'll be doing that and running these great rivers and doing what I've done in the past without much purpose other than for the experience.
~By Richard Dean Anderson ~

A farmer travelling with his load Picked up a horseshoe on the road, And nailed if fast to his barn door, That luck might down upon him pour; That every blessing known in life Might crown his homestead and his wife, And never any kind of harm Descend upon his growing farm.
~By James Thomas Fields ~

Of all possible subjects, travel is the most difficult for an artist, as it is the easiest for a journalist.
~By W. H. Auden ~

Certain travellers give the impression that they keep moving because only then do they feel fully alive.
~By Ella Maillart ~

The hardest part is to travel, and to be away from your family.
~By Glenn Tipton ~

Some go on to trade schools or get further training for jobs they are interested in. Some go into the arts, some are craftsmen, some take a little time out to travel, and some start their own businesses. But our graduates find and work at what they want to do.
~By Daniel Greenberg ~

Dieting is murder on the road. Show me a man who travels and I'll show you one who eats.
~By Bruce Froemming ~

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
~By George A. Moore ~

It's about the pleasure of being in the mountains, traveling efficiently over the terrain, having that sense of dynamic motion which you don't get when you're on foot.
~By Michael Kennedy ~

There is a third dimension to traveling, the longing for what is beyond.
~By Jan Myrdal ~

There is no greater mystery to me than that of light traveling through darkness.
~By Alexander Volkov ~

One of the main points about travelling is to develop in us a feeling of solidarity, of that oneness without which no better world is possible.
~By Ella Maillart ~

Some moments it feels longer, other moments it feels like it's flown by; you can't believe you've done it all that time... Overall, you have a strong sense for the full spectrum that you've sort of traveled.
~By Andre Agassi ~

Interesting things come your way but as you get older, your lifestyle changes. I don't want to travel; I don't want to be in a hotel room away from my family.
~By Gary Oldman ~

Until the June 1967 war I was completely caught up in the life of a young professor of English. Beginning in 1968, I started to think, write, and travel as someone who felt himself to be directly involved in the renaissance of Palestinian life and politics.
~By Edward Said ~

I based in Brazil, Sao Paulo, but I come very often to the states, and I travel all over the world.
~By Emerson Fittipaldi ~

I've been traveling all over the world for 25 years, performing, talking to people, studying their cultures and musical instruments, and I always come away with more questions in my head than can be answered.
~By Yo-Yo Ma ~

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
~By Oscar Wilde ~

Ever since I've left, I've been doing nothing but this film and traveling, promoting and doing festivals. So the good thing is that I'm not sitting around pining over whether I made the right choice in leaving. I'm moving and grooving.
~By Eriq La Salle ~

Traveling these days has a lot of problems and also it wears you out more.
~By Mose Allison ~

When a place gets crowded enough to require ID's, social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere. The best thing about space travel is that it made it possible to go elsewhere.
~By Robert A. Heinlein ~

Everyone carries his own inch rule of taste, and amuses himself by applying it, triumphantly, wherever he travels.
~By Henry B. Adams ~

The desire to become a journalist came really because I very much like living abroad, and like to travel, and wanted to be paid for it.
~By John Pomfret ~

I lived at home and I cycled every morning to the railway station to travel by train to Johannesburg followed by a walk to the University, carrying sandwiches for my lunch and returning in the evening the same way.
~By Sydney Brenner ~

Being in Blur has allowed me to travel and hear the music that's being made all over the world.
~By Damon Albarn ~

Every perfect traveler always creates the country where he travels.
~By Nikos Kazantzakis ~

I did many interviews, and went out and talked to many people and went to rallies. It was the same thing with menopause. I traveled around the country on talk shows and talking to women about.
~By Cybill Shepherd ~

We travel to learn; and I have never been in any country where they did not do something better than we do it, think some thoughts better than we think, catch some inspiration from heights above our own.
~By Maria Mitchell ~

If we build something great, like we have at Travelers Group so far, a whole host of people benefit.
~By Sanford I. Weill ~

Most of my father's life consisted of traveling to almost every part of Europe.
~By Sigrid Undset ~

That's my dream job, to be able to mail songs out to people who want to hear them. Paste my face on them and not travel all over the world trying to sell them.
~By Kristin Hersh ~

An English man does not travel to see English men.
~By Laurence Sterne ~

When you're travelling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
~By William Least Heat Moon ~

It's important to travel and move and have a continual set of experiences so you've got more to feed back into your work. For me, it's a natural thing.
~By Cate Blanchett ~

He traveled in order to come home.
~By William Trevor ~

The atmosphere was wide open in those circles that we traveled in.
~By David Amram ~

When traveling with someone, take large does of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.
~By Helen Hayes ~

Consider this: I can go to Antarctica and get cash from an ATM without a glitch, but should I fall ill during my travels, a hospital there could not access my medical records or know what medications I am on.
~By Nathan Deal ~

The world is a country which nobody ever yet knew by description; one must travel through it one's self to be acquainted with it.
~By Lord Chesterfield ~

Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.
~By Jerry Seinfeld ~

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves, another loathes.
~By Robin Leach ~

Well, I'm a light traveller. I chuck things away.
~By Norman MacCaig ~

At American Airlines, we have built a business around the love of travel that has lasted three quarters of a century. And I'm pretty sure we're just getting started.
~By Gerard Arpey ~

The genre has moved into this commercial aspect of itself, and ignored this extraordinarily rich literature that's filed everywhere else except under travel.
~By Robyn Davidson ~

It was pretty awful for us children because we never really knew the local children. Mother was keen for us to learn languages, so our travels took us to France and Italy, as well as the West Country.
~By Mary Wesley ~

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.
~By Cesare Pavese ~

Now, therefore, the Directors of the company are hereby ordered to see that precautions are taken to make travel on said railroad perfectly safe by using a screw with at least twenty-four inches diameter.
~By Joshua A. Norton ~

We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.
~By Anais Nin ~

It was the first time I traveled alone, but I was not scared.
~By Carmen Laforet ~

Traveling is seeing; it is the implicit that we travel by.
~By Cynthia Ozick ~

Turkeys, quails, and small birds, are here to be seen; but birds are not numerous in desart forests; they draw near to the habitations of men, as I have constantly observed in all my travels.
~By William Bartram ~

That's the way both they and I travel sometimes. Pick road at random, and when it's time to pull over, you pull over and hope you can find a place to crash.
~By Jello Biafra ~

Traveling around I don't think people are that horrible, I think they just don't know.
~By Kathy Acker ~

It was good to travel to the other side of the world.
~By Andre Braugher ~

The stars, that nature hung in heaven, and filled their lamps with everlasting oil, give due light to the misled and lonely traveller.
~By John Milton ~

My wife and I have so much fun when we travel and find anything... like stray cats and squirrels.
~By Eric Roberts ~

When I travel I normally eat club sandwiches or I bring my own food. When you go into a new town, it's very had to find a good place to eat.
~By Paul Prudhomme ~

Some minds improve by travel, others, rather, resemble copper wire, or brass, which get the narrower by going farther.
~By Thomas Hood ~

My oldest son, Gary, is a seasoned minister and travels with me for ministers' conferences.
~By David Wilkerson ~

When I am traveling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or during the night when I cannot sleep; it is on such occasions that ideas flow best and most abundantly.
~By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ~

Travel, instead of broadening the mind, often merely lengthens the conversation.
~By Elizabeth Drew ~

If they're traveling at the speed of light, their month is perhaps the equivalent of twenty of our years. So they're just buzzing around having a good old time, continuously looking.
~By Dwight Schultz ~

Read This: Sound Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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