Vision Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Vision

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The only limits are, as always, those of vision.
~By James Broughton ~

In this decisive hour of our national history, union means life and division means death.
~By Bao Dai ~

You never know what's going to happen with television these days.
~By Patrick Warburton ~

The internet is a total inversion of television. It's the opposite.
~By Joel Hodgson ~

What is the harm of doing the right thing? What is the harm of doing our job as legislators and making sure we do not stick the entire bankruptcy community with these provisions that do not make any sense?
~By Russ Feingold ~

Television contracts the imagination and radio expands it.
~By Terry Wogan ~

I have no television - I hate it.
~By Patricia Highsmith ~

You remember that my great vision came to me when I was only nine years old, and you have seen that I was not much good for anything until after I had performed the horse dance near the mouth of the Tongue River during my eighteenth summer.
~By Black Elk ~

I've always just gone with the best role, and I don't care if it's in theater, film or television.
~By Kristen Johnston ~

My role on television is one of helping people reexamine the assumptions that they hold. I regard Dr. King. You would never hear me get up and speak without in some way, shape or form, referencing, Dr. King.
~By Tavis Smiley ~

Moderates shouldn't be nervous about Newt because he has a vision, he's laid it forward. He's fundamentally leading us in the way that middle class Americans want to go.
~By Pete du Pont ~

You make a choice whether or not to turn that TV on. We didn't even have a television in the house.
~By Christine Baranski ~

At the University of Maryland, my first year I started off planning to major in art because I was interested in theatre design, stage design or television design.
~By Jim Henson ~

Skepticism is an important historical tool. It is the starting point of all revision of hitherto accepted history.
~By Samuel E. Morison ~

My dignity and good television - they'll never meet.
~By Adam Savage ~

I was the first voice of Baltimore television in 1947.
~By Jim McKay ~

There are forces all around you who wish to exploit division, rob you of your freedom, and tell you what to think. But young folks can rekindle the weary spirit of a slumbering nation.
~By Wynton Marsalis ~

When you get something like MTV, it's like regular television. You get it, and at first it's novel and brand new and then you watch every channel, every show. And then you become a little more selective and more selective, until ultimately... you wind up with a radio.
~By David Lee Roth ~

I grew up without a television. It meant that I read lots of books and entertained myself.
~By Emily Watson ~

The only way to do news on television is not to be terrified of it.
~By David Brinkley ~

"Camp" is a vision of the world in terms of style - but a particular style. It is the love of the exaggerated.
~By Susan Sontag ~

For the division of labor demands from the individual an ever more one-sided accomplishment, and the greatest advance in a one-sided pursuit only too frequently means dearth to the personality of the individual.
~By Georg Simmel ~

Those worship songs on the Christmas project will air on PBS television. That's highly unusual.
~By John Tesh ~

With his trademark courage and conviction, President Reagan led us out of the Cold War, spreading his vision of freedom, resulting in the release of millions of people from the yoke of communism.
~By John Doolittle ~

In day-to-day commerce, television is not so much interested in the business of communications as in the business of delivering audiences to advertisers. People are the merchandise, not the shows. The shows are merely the bait.
~By Les Brown ~

If I feel in need of sleep, I just open a book or turn on the television. Both are better than any sleeping pill.
~By Ethel Merman ~

You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.
~By Woodrow Wilson ~

It seems to limit you; when you're working in an office, you're a creature in a small cell under somebody's supervision and surveillance.
~By Jack Vance ~

Satisfying every vision that fans have is probably impossible.
~By John Harrison ~

Thanks to television, for the first time the young are seeing history made before it is censored by their elders.
~By Margaret Mead ~

When political figures are shown on television or in movies, it's always the liberal Democrats that are shown to be humane, caring people.
~By Pat Boone ~

Television is an instrument which can paralyze this country.
~By William Westmoreland ~

I've been working some really long hours for the last five or six years. Anybody who works on series television knows, and especially women because women spend probably two hours more than the guys with all their hair and makeup crap.
~By Victoria Pratt ~

Television, despite its enormous presence, turns out to have added pitifully few lines to the communal memory.
~By Justin Kaplan ~

Television is so dictated by time constraints that you have to make quick decisions and go with them.
~By Ted Shackelford ~

Then I abandoned comics for fine art because I had some romantic vision of being like Vincent Van Gogh Jr.
~By Bill Griffith ~

I hate to mention age, but I come from an era when we weren't consumed by technology and television.
~By Jimmy Buffett ~

Sometimes it's like watching a train wreck. You're uncomfortable, but you just can't help yourself. Some of those so-called bad interviews actually turned into compelling television.
~By Tony Danza ~

If Turkey is prepared to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, then its leaders can proceed immediately to direct dialogue with its counterparts in Armenia to define a common vision for the future.
~By Mark Foley ~

And I believe that you never be limited in what you do, so I like to do movies, I like to do television.
~By Harvey Fierstein ~

Television speeded everything up.
~By Ruth Handler ~

I would argue that television and particularly the BBC were instrumental in puffing up the Royal Family to a level where they were inflated out of all, all proportion to their relevance on the national scene.
~By Andrew Morton ~

Some television programs are so much chewing gum for the eyes.
~By John Mason Brown ~

If you look at the themes that he struck from the minute he started running for president through today, there is a very high level of consistency, and there is a sense that he is who he is. Obama's governing is completely consistent with the way he campaigned and the themes on which he campaigned, the issues he highlighted, the vision he shared.
~By David Axelrod ~

Television is more interesting than people. If it were not we should have people standing in the corner of our room.
~By Alan Coren ~

When I was younger, I had big visions of changing the world.
~By Rick Danko ~

He has such a clear vision of exactly what he wanted out of each character, out of each set, out of each wardrobe change, out of each emotional beat, and action.
~By Ryan Reynolds ~

I just always had a love for television and movies.
~By Bruce Boxleitner ~

People are not in a good mood when any politician's face appears on television.
~By Mark Russell ~

They have been deprived nutritionally, or some illness has not been picked up, or they have not been screened for vision or hearing defects, or they have not had some kind of a chronic illness or error of metabolism picked up.
~By C. Everett Koop ~

Al Gore clearly has the vision... it's a much better vision than that of George W. Bush.
~By Bill Bradley ~

For hundreds of years, that was the major form of entertainment: The grown-ups sat around and watched the kids play. Now they sit around and watch the television. The actors are the kids.
~By David Duchovny ~

In 1949 there was a new thing called Television, to which my agency and advisers opposed as a performance medium.
~By Loretta Young ~

But I think I have done right to save the vision in this way, even though I may die sooner because I did it; for I know the meaning of the vision is wise and beautiful and good; and you can see that I am only a pitiful old man after all.
~By Black Elk ~

I'm most proud of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me, in my life. He's given me the vision to truly see that you can fall down, but you can still get back up. Hopefully I'll learn from my mistakes and have the opportunity to strengthen and improve the next thing I do.
~By Martin Lawrence ~

There is an urgent need for a radical revision of our current concepts of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter and the brain.
~By Stanislav Grof ~

In Beverly Hills... they don't throw their garbage away. They make it into television shows.
~By Woody Allen ~

I certainly grew up seeing more movies and television than I read books, but when it came time to do the thing itself you don't have to hire a lot of people to sit down and write a book, so that was the story-telling medium that was available to me.
~By John Sayles ~

There's such good writing now on television and I don't see a lot of great writing on films sadly.
~By Scott Speedman ~

Live theater to me is much more free than the movies or television.
~By Eartha Kitt ~

Television is the most perfect democracy. You sit there with your remote control and vote.
~By Aaron Brown ~

From what we've heard about George W., he has a lot issues that he wants to run on. They're positive. They're good. He thinks he's got a good vision for America.
~By Barbara Olson ~

I have like fifteen televisions in my house.
~By Jimmy Kimmel ~

Television provides the opportunity for an ongoing story - the opportunity to meld the cast and the characters and a world, and to spend more time there.
~By David Lynch ~

The mass media in the days of newspapers and television it's hard to be able to find a story that's about just what you're interested in at the time you're interested in it.
~By Guy Burgess ~

I'd like us to deliver a little message to all the men still out there who think it's the '50s, and coming home simply means watching television with a beer.
~By Patricia Richardson ~

Richard Lloyd of Television is one of my favorite guitarists. His mentor was Jimi Hendrix when he was just 14. Jimi was always pounding everything he knew into that kid.
~By Tina Weymouth ~

I'd never seen any television before I started.
~By Nigel Kneale ~

That vision of a common culture is now simply a remote wistfulness.
~By Dennis Potter ~

Men of vision. Oh, I love the fine names men give each other to hide their greed and lust for adventure.
~By Charles MacArthur ~

Television is a device that permits people who haven't anything to do to watch people who can't do anything.
~By Fred Allen ~

I think everyone who makes movies should be forced to do television. Because you have to finish. You have to get it done, and there are a lot of decisions made just for the sake of making decisions. You do something because it's efficient and because it gets the story told and it connects to the audience.
~By Joss Whedon ~

And part of my vision is to do dynamic videos for kids.
~By Tim LaHaye ~

It takes vision and courage to create - it takes faith and courage to prove.
~By Owen D. Young ~

I am confirmed in my division of human energies. Ambitious people climb, but faithful people build.
~By Julia Ward Howe ~

Indeed, the creators of the euro envisioned it as an instrument to promote political union.
~By Gerhard Schroder ~

Where there is no vision, there is no hope.
~By George Washington Carver ~

Television, they say, will permit a person to be entertained at home, without the effort of going to a picture house, without the trouble of booking seats, without the presence of other people.
~By Ivor Novello ~

I had a brief theater background and loved the backstage world there's more backstage work in television, so I saw a job advertised and applied, and got it. That was back in 1977, when getting jobs was easy.
~By Lee Child ~

By confronting us with irreducible mysteries that stretch our daily vision to include infinity, nature opens an inviting and guiding path toward a spiritual life.
~By Thomas More ~

And instead of getting a pepper-and-salt effect, we find very clear and sharp divisions between the dialects of the United States, which are getting more different from each other as time goes on.
~By William Labov ~

No, I worked a lot for European television, doing documentaries in Brazil.
~By Walter Salles ~

We'll be launching the new public prosecution service in Northern Ireland tomorrow. I'll be doing it in Belfast tomorrow. This is an entirely new era, in which criminal justice now exercised on an equal basis, not the old basis in which community division was a feature.
~By Peter Hain ~

I just look at it, as it's something that I had to do. I had this vision that really, Graceland is suited for a king and it is his castle. And people really should see it, as he loved it.
~By Priscilla Presley ~

The challenge is the culture. You have to have a vision for the BBC-it can't merely be that it's big and has a place in the market.
~By Jonathan Dimbleby ~

I think anybody who has been in the theater, prefers it. Television is a... factory. You turn out things on a revolving assembly line. You don't have time to perfect anything in television.
~By Gale Gordon ~

New planted Colonies are generally attended with a Force and Necessity of Planting the known and approved Staple and Product of the Country, as well as all the Provisions their Families spend.
~By John Lawson ~

I want you to know that, despite what you might read at times in the newspapers or see on the television news, we have actually been getting a lot of things done the last several months, the U.S.-Canada relationship.
~By Paul Cellucci ~

There are days when any electrical appliance in the house, including the vacuum cleaner, seems to offer more entertainment possibilities than the television set.
~By Harriet Van Horne ~

My first Top of the Pops I didn't want to do. I was terrified. I'd never done television before. Seeing the video afterwards was like watching myself die.
~By Kate Bush ~

I made a rule for myself that the only television things I would do would be my own stories.
~By Nigel Kneale ~

You must not demand the failure of your peers, because the more good things that are around in film, in television, in theater - why the better it is for all of us.
~By Jerome Lawrence ~

I had a vision with which I might have saved my people, but I had not the strength to do it.
~By Black Elk ~

That generation of Germans, along with volunteers from Denmark, Holland, even England and the Free India division and so on, we Europeans were alert and awake to the danger of Bolshevism.
~By Ernst Zundel ~

I was a peripheral visionary. I could see the future, but only way off to the side.
~By Steven Wright ~

Television has dried up for my generation, so it's plays and films.
~By Michael Gambon ~

Violent behavior exists in one's psychological makeup much deeper than the level that receives information from television or movies.
~By Richard King ~

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.
~By Joel A. Barker ~

The nuclear generator of brain sludge is television.
~By Dave Barry ~

In the 1950s we use to feel that television was taking away our comic readership; with today's exciting, powerfully visual movies I have to wonder about their effect on the kids' loyalty to the comic book medium all over again.
~By Joe Simon ~

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July 27 ,2024
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