Women Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Women

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And of course in America you've got American football and baseball and all those other ball games, soccer has become a little niche that the women have kind of filled.
~By Parminder Nagra ~

Charm, in most men and nearly all women, is a decoration.
~By E. M. Forster ~

The things women find rewarding about work are, by and large, the same things that men find rewarding and include both the inherent nature of the work and the social relationships.
~By Grace Baruch ~

How can women be as thin as we are? We have personal trainers to work us out. We have specially prepared meals.
~By Sarah Michelle Gellar ~

Women like silent men. They think they're listening.
~By Marcel Achard ~

Women have more to prove than men when it comes to politics.
~By Julie Nixon Eisenhower ~

I have often thought of it as one of the most barbarous customs in the world, considering us as a civilized and a Christian country, that we deny the advantages of learning to women.
~By Daniel Defoe ~

I think all women go through periods where we hate this about ourselves, we don't like that. It's great to get to a place where you dismiss anything you're worried about. I find flaws attractive. I find scars attractive.
~By Angelina Jolie ~

If it's true that men are such beasts, this must account for the fact that most women are animal lovers.
~By Doris Day ~

I think the women - Lauryn Hill, Mary J. Blige, Erykah Badu - are doing new conceptual things and using their voices to create new American music.
~By Boz Scaggs ~

Reading, solitude, idleness, a soft and sedentary life, intercourse with women and young people, these are perilous paths for a young man, and these lead him constantly into danger.
~By Jean Jacques Rousseau ~

I love that men like to look at women, that they love sports, that they need to know the inner workings of mechanical objects. I love the whole makeup of men - that they never mature and are always just boys.
~By Krista Allen ~

We're showing kids a world that is very scantily populated with women and female characters. They should see female characters taking up half the planet, which we do.
~By Geena Davis ~

These impossible women! How they do get around us! The poet was right: Can't live with them, or without them.
~By Aristophanes ~

If I have a question about women and their behavior or attitudes, I always double check things with Lucy.
~By Rob Walton ~

Is woman a religion? Well, perhaps you will have the chance of judging for yourselves if you go to America. There you will find men treating women with just the same respect formerly accorded only to religious dignitaries or to great nobles.
~By Lafcadio Hearn ~

God made man stronger but not necessarily more intelligent. He gave women intuition and femininity. And, used properly, that combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met.
~By Farrah Fawcett ~

If women want any rights more than they's got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it.
~By Sojourner Truth ~

What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine.
~By Susan Sontag ~

We were fortunate enough to have several good books detailing the camps and the women. Some were by the survivors. I also got to talk to some of the women who had been in the camp, survivors.
~By Glenn Close ~

I am always on the women's side.
~By Mary Chesnut ~

Women in New York have to work much harder to compete with the supermodels for attention.
~By Jessica Culter ~

I pick good women, but I haven't had any luck with my men.
~By Elizabeth Arden ~

When women hold off from marrying men, we call it independence. When men hold off from marrying women, we call it fear of commitment.
~By Warren Farrell ~

Closing the gap for women entrepreneurs should be a priority for the federal government - and yet the Small Business Administration has failed in their promise to women business owners.
~By Ruben Hinojosa ~

As the mother of two daughters, I have great respect for women. And I don't ever want to lose that.
~By Vera Wang ~

I'm more than open to hope, but I think men and women have a difficult time dealing with each other and often take the low road.
~By Neil LaBute ~

Sexism is not the fault of women - kill your fathers, not your mothers.
~By Robin Morgan ~

The Golden Girls certainly proved that there was a large audience for a show about older women.
~By Marlo Thomas ~

Respect for self is the beginning of cultivating virtue in men and women.
~By Gordon B. Hinckley ~

Fashion exists for women with no taste, etiquette for people with no breeding.
~By Queen Marie of Romania ~

I mean, I'm obviously not one of those people who's so beautiful women take their clothes off when I walk into the room. I didn't become a star overnight.
~By Robbie Coltrane ~

Our main reasons for fearing males having sex with males is that you really had to construct a more powerful social role to keep men in their place than you did to keep women in their place.
~By Warren Farrell ~

Women get the attention when we get into the men's arena, and that's sad.
~By Billie Jean King ~

The extension of women's rights is the basic principle of all social progress.
~By Charles Fourier ~

Wit in women is apt to have bad consequences; like a sword without a scabbard, it wounds the wearer and provokes assailants.
~By Elizabeth Montagu ~

Men and women should own the world as a mutual possession.
~By Pearl S. Buck ~

It's so clear that you have to cherish everyone. I think that's what I get from these older black women, that every soul is to be cherished, that every flower Is to bloom.
~By Alice Walker ~

In spring they lie flat at the first warmth, they ruin my summer and in autumn they smell of women.
~By Hugo Claus ~

To ask women to become unnaturally thin is to ask them to relinquish their sexuality.
~By Naomi Wolf ~

But what of black women?... I most sincerely doubt if any other race of women could have brought its fineness up through so devilish a fire.
~By W. E. B. Du Bois ~

Through all the relationship stuff I've gone through in the past few years, I know there are fundamental differences in how men and women view sex and how they view their futures.
~By Aaron Eckhart ~

Women like to sit down with trouble - as if it were knitting.
~By Ellen Glasgow ~

For centuries the leaders of Christian thought spoke of women as a necessary evil, and the greatest saints of the Church are those who despise women the most.
~By Annie Besant ~

I will feel equality has arrived when we can elect to office women who are as incompetent as some of the men who are already there.
~By Maureen Reagan ~

Seventy-five percent of MS sufferers are women.
~By Teri Garr ~

Women have got to make the world safe for men since men have made it so darned unsafe for women.
~By Nancy Astor ~

It's only women who are not really quite women at all, frivolous women who have no idea, who neglect repairs.
~By Marguerite Duras ~

In our society, the women who break down barriers are those who ignore limits.
~By Arnold Schwarzenegger ~

The more equality women have, the fairer, more civilized and tolerant society will be. Sexual equality is a lot more effective against terrorism than military strength.
~By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero ~

Men who have been raised violently have every reason to believe it is appropriate for them to control others through violence; they feel no compunction over being violent to women, children, and one another.
~By Frank Pittman ~

The especial genius of women I believe to be electrical in movement, intuitive in function, spiritual in tendency.
~By Margaret Fuller ~

Black women sharing close ties with each other, politically or emotionally, are not the enemies of Black men.
~By Audre Lorde ~

Amongst Women concentrated on the family, and the new book concentrates on a small community. The dominant units in Irish society are the family and the locality. The idea was that the whole world would grow out from that small space.
~By John McGahern ~

The most virtuous women have something within them, something that is never chaste.
~By Honore de Balzac ~

When it comes to two of the big social earthquakes in the last fifty years - which are the gay movement and the women's movement - I think there is a direct line from Kinsey to those.
~By Bill Condon ~

I like women who look like women. I hated grunge. No one's more feminist than me, but you don't have to look as if you don't give a - you know. You can be smart, bright, and attractive aesthetically to others - and to yourself.
~By Catherine Zeta-Jones ~

The country needs the political work of women today as much as it has ever needed woman in any other work at any other time.
~By Judith Ellen Foster ~

I don't think women should look like costumes. I don't think they should look like fashion victims. I think these (clothes) are for women that want to look sexy. They want to look smart.
~By Ralph Lauren ~

The states are not free, under the guise of protecting maternal health or potential life, to intimidate women into continuing pregnancies.
~By Harry A. Blackmun ~

In junior high, I sang in madrigals, men's' and women's' choir. I played piano too, but then I got out of it.
~By Travis Barker ~

Some women can't say the word lesbian... even when their mouth is full of one.
~By Kate Clinton ~

I know a lot of gay males who I work with that are fantastic people and I love hanging out with them. But because I hang out and bring gay men into my life, does that mean that I'm gay? I promise you that I very much love women.
~By Ryan Seacrest ~

The more we refuse to buy into our inner critics - and our external ones too - the easier it will get to have confidence in our choices, and to feel comfortable with who we are - as women and as mothers.
~By Arianna Huffington ~

I'm not the classic type - fair skin, very beautiful women of a classic type, I'm talking about now.
~By Debra Wilson ~

You can hardly judge women's effect on politics merely from the action of individual women officeholders.
~By Florence E. Allen ~

Love is an emotion that is based on an opinion of women that is impossible for those who have had any experience with them.
~By H. L. Mencken ~

They were written on cheap blue notebooks bought by poor women. I'm interested in folk tales in the way that medicine and magic in women's stories are all kind of combined.
~By Alice Hoffman ~

I wanted to be a journalist, I thought it was glamorous and that I'd meet beautiful women in the rain.
~By Bill Nighy ~

Why are comedic parts for women the exception, not the rule?
~By Patricia Clarkson ~

I think I would have died if there hadn't been the women's movement.
~By Dorothy Allison ~

I probably had some impact, because everyone keeps telling me that I did. I like to feel like I'm coming out with something to try to make room for other young women to make their art.
~By Liz Phair ~

I always love being in the company of women. It's all about good conversation and great wine.
~By Naomi Watts ~

Not only is it not remarkable to be a single woman, there's no stigma attached. You see more and more women choosing to be single as well as happenstance.
~By Pepper Schwartz ~

The labor of women in the house, certainly, enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could; and in this way women are economic factors in society. But so are horses.
~By Charlotte Perkins Gilman ~

As long as every generation rises to its challenges and stands up in defense of liberty - as Americans have done in the past and as our men and women continue to do today - our nation will remain free and strong.
~By Doc Hastings ~

Most women are one man away from welfare.
~By Gloria Steinem ~

We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains.
~By Ursula K. Le Guin ~

If there's specific resistance to women making movies, I just choose to ignore that as an obstacle for two reasons: I can't change my gender, and I refuse to stop making movies.
~By Kathryn Bigelow ~

I do not believe in using women in combat, because females are too fierce.
~By Margaret Mead ~

Proof that they do not understand the republic is that in their fine promises for universal suffrage, they forgot women.
~By Delphine de Girardin ~

In Canada, women's rights are a vital part of our effort to build a society of real equality - not just for some, but for all Canadians. A society in which women no longer encounter discrimination nor are shut out from opportunities open to others.
~By Paul Martin ~

I had this idea that I wanted to do this mixture of visions of African American women and visions of African American men. And call it 'The Men' and call it 'The Women' and show different faces of these two people.
~By Faith Ringgold ~

Love him or hate him, Trump is a man who is certain about what he wants and sets out to get it, no holds barred. Women find his power almost as much of a turn-on as his money.
~By Donald Trump ~

The Leadership Training Institute of America trains and equips young men and women to be leaders with high standards of personal morality and integrity.
~By Michael Burgess ~

In individual industries where female labour pays an important role, any movement advocating better wages, shorter working hours, etc., would not be doomed from the start because of the attitude of those women workers who are not organized.
~By Clara Zetkin ~

My decision to register women confirms what is already obvious throughout our society-that women are now providing all types of skills in every profession. The military should be no exception.
~By Jimmy Carter ~

Freedom is a right ultimately defended by the sacrifice of America's servicemen and women.
~By Arnold Schwarzenegger ~

The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement.
~By Anna Garlin Spencer ~

The problem is with men. I know I shouldn't say this, but they've shrouded and hidden women to hide their incompetence.
~By John Galliano ~

We ought to have more women in various management positions, because women are the ones who decide almost everything in the home.
~By Ingvar Kamprad ~

Italians come to ruin most generally in three ways, women, gambling, and farming. My family chose the slowest one.
~By Pope John XXIII ~

I've had women come up to me and say I was the reason they went to law school.
~By Susan Dey ~

As it turns out, social scientists have established only one fact about single women's mental health: employment improves it.
~By Susan Faludi ~

Women are reputed never to be disgusted. The sad fact is that they often are, but not with men; following the lead of men, they are most often disgusted with themselves.
~By Germaine Greer ~

I have to admit, like so many women, I always knew there was a chance. But like so many women, I never thought it would be me. I never thought I'd hear those devastating words: 'You have breast cancer.'
~By Debbie Wasserman Schultz ~

I think women can cope a lot better than men.
~By Willard Scott ~

When my children were born, I didn't have them baptized because I felt baptism was about erasing Original Sin - something the Church said children got from their mother - and I absolutely refused to believe women carry Original Sin.
~By Olympia Dukakis ~

Women still remember the first kiss after men have forgotten the last.
~By Remy de Gourmont ~

New Zealand, by the way, where I was ambassador, has had two women prime ministers - one from either party.
~By Carol Moseley Braun ~

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July 27 ,2024
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