Ambisexual Ambiphilia Meaning Definition

“Ambisexual” is also sometimes referred to as as “Ambi” in short, or “Ambiphilia” as a synonym, or “Ambi-Sexual” with a hyphen, or “Ambi Sexual” with a space, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Ambisexual / Ambiphilia / Ambisexuality / Ambiphilic:

The term “ambisexual” is derived from “ambi,” which means “male and female,” and “sexual,” which means “related to sex,” hence, “ambi-sexual” literally means “sexual attraction or interest in men and women.”

The term “ambisexual” or “ambiphilia” or “ambisexuality” or “ambiphilic” is used to describe people who experience sexual and romantic as well as emotional and aesthetic attraction towards both masculinity and femininity, the combination of both androphilia, which is being only attracted to masculinity, and gynophelia, which is being only attracted to femininity.

Ambiphilia, androphilia, and gynephilia are terms used in behavioral science to define sexual orientation, which is used as an alternative to a gender binary homosexual and heterosexual conceptualization. These terms are used without any bias or prejudice for identifying a person's source of attraction, without assigning a sex or gender identity to that person.

Such an unbiased system can prevent prejudice that is part of normative conceptualizations of human sexuality. It also prevents confusion and offense when describing a person's sexuality, and even while describing intersex and transgender people, especially people who are nonbinary or fall outside the gender binary.
Read This: Heterosexual Heterosexuality Meaning Definition
November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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