Ambonec Gender Meaning Definition

“Ambonec” is also sometimes referred to as “Ambo” in short, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Ambonec Gender:

The term “ambonec” is derived from “ambo,” which means “one of two but not both at the same time,” and “nec,” which means “neither,” hence, “ambonec” literally means “feeling of both genders but neither at the same time.”

The term “ambonec” is a gender identity that has the feeling of both man and woman at different times, but neither at the same time.

Ambonec is a nonbinary gender identity in which a person identifies as both male and female, and neither male and female, all at the same time.

Ambonec person can lean towards any sort of gender expression if they wanted, and can also be demi-ambonec, which means there could be situations where it changes, and one does not need dysphoria to be identified as ambonec.
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November 11 ,2022
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