Magigender Mixedgender Meaning Definition

“Magigender” is also sometimes referred to as “Magi” in short, or “Mixed Gender” as a synonym, or “Magi-Gender” with a hyphen, or “Magi Gender” with a space, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Magigender Gender:

The term “magigender” is derived from “magi,” which means “mixed,” and “gender,” which means “related to gender,” hence, “magigender” literally means “feeling of a gender that is a mixture.”

The term “magigender” is a gender identity that is described as a strong feeling of one gender, and a slight feeling of another gender.

Magigender gives a feeling of a mixture of two different genders mixed into one.

Magigender is quite similar to demigender and libragender.

Magigirl is a gender identity where a person who connects strongly with being feminine or female, and slightly as some other gender, making it quite similar to demigirl, but is more specific.

Magiboy is a gender identity where a person who connects strongly with being masculine or male, and slightly as some other gender. Making it quite similar to demiboy, but is more specific.

Maginonbinary, or Magienby, is a gender identity where a person connects strongly with being non-binary, and slightly as some other gender, making it quite similar to deminonbinary, but is more specific.

Magifluid is a gender identity where a person who moves between being a magigirl, a magiboy, and maginonbinary.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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