Binarism Binarist Meaning Definition

“Binarism” is also sometimes referred to as “Binar-ism” with a hyphen, or “Binar ism” with a space, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Binarism / Binarist:

The term “binarism” is derived from the word “binary,” which means “related to male or female,” and “sexism,” which means “preferential treatment,” hence, “binarism” literally means “only the binary genders are valid, making other non-binary genders invalid.”

The term “binarism” is used to describe actions, thoughts, laws, and social norms that promote the gender binary (male/female) while excluding, erasing, or otherwise hurting people of other genders or no gender at all, and people that are harmed by binarism are usually people within the nonbinary gender umbrella, or agender, and it is often exercised against nonbinary people by cisgender and binary transgender people alike.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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