Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight, Glance, Meeting, Dance, Date, Kiss, Hug, Sex, Is An Age Old Chemical Phenomenon Where There Is An Almost Instant And Spontaneous Romantic Feeling For Someone

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Love At First Sight:

Love at first sight is a common experience where a person feels an instant, strong, and ultimately eternal and often fatal romantic attraction towards a stranger on the first sight of them. In old ages, the term love at first sight was believed to be in the context of a more general conception of passionate love, a sort of craziness for another person. This extreme love passion was often described through love's arrows and love darts, and its source was the cupid. These arrows were supposed to enter the lover's eyes and then pierce through their heart, creating a robust, passionate feeling.

Love At First Glance, Meeting, Dance, Date, Kiss, Hug, Sex:

Love at first sight is also used when someone falls in love at first glance or first meeting, or the first time they look into each other’s eyes. It can even happen with love at first dance, love at first date, love at first kiss, love at first hug, and love at first sex.

The Feeling Can be Magical:

Love at first sight is an experience that a person feels in an instant moment in the hopes of forming a long-term romantic relationship with a stranger upon their very first sight by locking their eyes. Such an extreme form of feeling may lead to a lasting relationship, or it may fade out quickly if it’s just an infatuation. It gives both people a feeling of finally finding someone who can complete them. Such an experience can be life-changing and be one of the best things that can ever happen to someone who is seeking real love.

How Love At First Sight Happens:

Love at first sight is a sudden and instantaneous captivation of the lover. Love at first sight phenomenon can also be seen as a lifelong search for your better half, and when you believe that person has come in front of your eyes. You suddenly feel intoxicated with love and passion towards that person. Love at first sight also has logical reasoning.

Reason For Love At First Sight:

Love at first sight usually occurs due to two reasons. One reason is that the attractiveness of a person can generally be formed within the first few seconds. The other reason is that the first few minutes of an encounter with a person is more projective of the future of the relationship. These two reasons are even more important than other things such as things in common and their likings.

Infatuation Is Not The Same As Love At First Sight:

It is very easy to confuse love at first sight with infatuation or lust where you feel carried away for the moment, which can be intense but dies out shortly thereafter. When it comes to love, there are two kinds of people. One who is responsible for their hearts. The ones who have their guards always on and take things cautiously and patiently, they even quickly move away from the situation if they notice anything fishy. The other kinds of people are the ones who carry their hearts on their sleeves. Their heart falls for the other person without much thought at all, and before they can realize they have already moved on in the relationship.

It Is A Blessing To Experience Love At First Sight:

Love at first sight is a common thing, and most people have felt it at least once in their lifetime, if not more. Almost more than half of people believe in love at first sight. Interestingly enough, less than half of the love at first sight has stickiness or staying power. A vast majority of love at first sight falls apart within the first few months. The reason is that most of these people fall in love very fast without weighing other real-life compatibility factors.

Instant Attraction Leads To Love At First Sight:

Feelings of love can definitely happen in a split second and strike as fast as lightning, but these feelings may dissipate as quickly as they came. Love at first sight happens when two people meet, and there is an instant click. Love at first sight triggers some chemical reaction in the brain on seeing someone for the first time. That person may or may not be attractive as it is always said beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. So it is more than just physical attraction. The heart beats faster and takes our breath away when we fall in love at first sight. The one who is bitten by love at first sight with a stranger feels drawn toward that person. Love at first sight can never be forgotten.

It Is Truly Mesmerizing To Feel Love At First Sight:

When love at first sight happens, every moment of that person is observed and noticed. The time seems to have stopped. The heart beats faster. The eyes look for the person everywhere and want to talk to that person. Falling in love appears to be like an illusion unless experienced. A person does not know their worth or beauty unless someone falls in love with them at first sight. When we fall in love at first sight, we keep on thinking about that person over and over again.

Signs Of Love At First Sight Backed By Scientific Data:

Love at first sight is also a sign of getting accepted and appreciated by someone, which can be a big confidence and morale booster. Love at first sight also has chemical reasoning as a feeling of love is created by twelve areas of the brain in symphony to release euphoria-inducing chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, and vasopressin. All these chemical reactions can happen so fast that it might feel like love at first sight. It works pretty much the same way as cocaine. The best way to understand love at first sight is by experiencing it firsthand because reading about it won’t do justice to understanding what it is. After all, the thing is that love just happens. It just does. It exists. It can’t be explained. It has to be felt. That’s what love at first sight is.
Read This: Second Love
November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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