Following is the full list of hundred top most romantic open ended questions to ask a guy or a girl or your crush or your date or your boyfriend or your girlfriend to get to know them: # Are you delighted that you decided to meet me today? # If we were stranded on an island, would you want to stay stuck or get out of there? # If you could invite any five people to your next party, who would you pick and why? # When you were growing up, what did you want to accomplish in life, and have you succeeded? # What was the last dream you had about the opposite gender? # If you could star in a movie, who would you want to play opposite you? # How old were you when you got your first kiss and did you enjoy it? # Where do you see yourself in the next ten years? # What is one mistake that you would like to make over and over again? # Who was your first crush and how did it turn out? # What would you do if you knew today was your last day alive? # What is your guilty pleasure song or a movie? # Have you ever been in a situation that started off awfully but turned out to be a blessing in disguise? # If you could go back in time where exactly would you go? # What is the silliest movie you have seen in a theater where you had to get out before the movie ended? # If you could live anywhere in the world, which place would you choose and why? # How many days can you live without your phone? # If you could be a drink, which would you be and why? # If you could have any talent, which one would you have and why? # Would you ever sleep all day and be awake all night? # Where would you go on your next vacation and with whom? # What is your biggest fear in life or what are you most afraid of? # If you had no fears in life, what would be the first thing you would like to try? # What’s one thing you absolutely cannot live life without? # Does your family have any weird traditions that I must be aware of? # If you were a pet, which one would you be and why? # What’s one thing you do every day that is very impressive? # What’s one thing you do that you are most embarrassed about? # If you were a fruit, which fruit would you like to be? # Have you ever cheated while playing board games? # If you spot a scary-looking spider on a wall, what would you do? # If you see a really creepy-looking roach a few inches away from you on the floor, how would you react? # How long can you go without watching any television? # If you had a twin sibling, would you want to have one of your same gender or the opposite one? # How many packets of chilly flakes do you grab with a carry-out pizza? # How many shots of alcohol can you have without getting drunk? # What’s the last dangerous but funny prank you pulled on a friend? # What’s the craziest thing someone’s caught you doing? # What’s your favorite thing to do when you are alone and no one’s looking at you? # What’s the weirdest trick that’s ever been pulled on you? # Would you prefer to have an ice cream scoop in a cup or a cone? # Is there any food that you simply can’t resist? # If you come to know that I am an alien, how exactly would you react? # If you knew that I just robbed a bank, would you leave or still stay? # What’s the craziest thing that you’ve ever done? # If you were free to purge one person without getting punished, would you? # If you knew you were going to die today, what would you do? # If you knew you were going to die and had moments left, who would you call? # Do you think you love your pets as much as you love your other family members? # Have you ever ghosted someone and how did it go? # Do you think you would be able to resist not checking your messages for the rest of the evening? # Have you ever stared at your ceiling before going to sleep? # How would you react if I just start crying and screaming out loud right now? # If I tell you that we were a lover in our past lives, would you believe me? # If you didn’t have to work for a living, what would you do all day? # How long did it take you to start enjoying life as a young adult? # What is the whackiest situation or event you have ever witnessed with your own eyes? # If you could have any superpower, which one would you want to have? # If you had the option to trade your life with one person for a day, who would it be and why? # Which would be harder for you to give up, romance or watching television? # What is one of the weirdest things you have ever done in life till now? # What’s something that comes automatically to you more than it does to most other people? # What is one piece of advice you often give to others but find yourself hard to follow? # What’s one thing that many people fear but doesn’t scare you at all? # If you had just one hour left to live, what exactly would you do right now? # If you could meet someone who’s not alive, who would it be and why? # If you could go out with a celebrity, who would you pick and why? # Have you ever laughed so hard that literally, you peed your pants? # What’s one thing you would never want your mother to know about you? # What do you think really happens to human beings after we die? # Would you choose to live forever or die right now? # If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? # If you all of a sudden find out that you are gifted with a superpower, then how would you react? # Is there any specific place that you often dream of, but you still do not know where that place is located? # Is there any food or drink that you love to have, but it makes you feel like a vampire? # Have you ever had any dish that looked weird, but you ended up liking it a lot? # Do you have any idea about what exactly you were doing last year on today’s date? # Have you ever met any person in the most weird situation, but later became best friends? # Is there any particularly expensive thing you buy every month even though you don’t really need it? # Do you remember the very first thing you learned after you were born and came into this world? # If you have all the money in the world, would you still look for a job? # If you found a briefcase filled with money on your front door, what would you do with it? # Are you phobic of anything that can have an adverse effect on your life? # On which day of a week or month do you feel the happiest or saddest? # If you come to know that you are never going to wake up, would you still go to sleep? # What show would be the funniest if the actors had to be drunk while acting? # What’s the most weird thing you have ever done to someone because you were bored? # Have you ever broken any bones of someone who tried to be funny with you? # If you could live the life of the opposite gender for a day, what exactly would you do? # If you were to live in the same outfit for the rest of your life, which outfit would you pick? # Would you transport yourself into the future, knowing that you won’t be able to return? # Would you be willing to kill an innocent person if it would end a dangerous epidemic in the world? # If you were to get a free punch to someone’s face, who would you pick? # Which horror movie have you seen that still wakes you up in the middle of the night? # What is one thing you enjoy doing, but almost everyone else finds silly? # If you were about to be executed tomorrow, how would you spend today? # If you come to know that you were the direct descendant of a royal family, would you go claim your throne or live your life as usual? # If someone you know has a visible self-destructive behavior but is unaware of it, would you try to change them? # Are there things that you know are not good, but you still end up doing them because you are so addicted to them? # If you were handed a bag that could be full of cash or something lethal, would you still open it? Aforementioned is the full list of hundred top most romantic whacky weird questions to ask a Guy or a girl or your crush or your date or your boyfriend or your girlfriend to get to know them: