Real Love And Real Relationship

Real Love And Real Relationship Is Honest And Truthful Where There Is No Scope For Any Kind Of Fake Or False Emotions Or Feelings For One Another

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Real Love And Real Relationship:

Love itself is a very complex emotion, finding if it’s true is even more complicated. In fact, there is no sure-shot way to determine if what you are experiencing or if what you have in your relationship is true love or something else. We all want true or pure love, but very few of us even know what it is. The definition of true love would differ from person to person, situation to situation. No two individuals are the same, no two relationships are the same, no two feelings of love are the same, and no two romantic relationships are the same. If you want to know the meaning of true love, take a moment to think about what it means to you.

How To Find Out If Love Is Real Or Fake:

Real love is real in every sense of the word. It is when two people love each other without any conditions or limitations. Everything seems so serene and calming. It is someone that one has to feel as it is hard to describe it in words.

It Is Very Hard To Define Real Love:

Defining true love would be similar to defining a rainbow. You just have to see it to know how beautiful it is. No words can do justice to expressing how each color is so vibrant. Each person would define it differently. Likewise, you have to experience love to know what it actually is. The main reason it’s hard to define love is that we feel or experience love from our hearts and soul, not from our brains or mind. Definitions are defined from the mind, and feelings are felt from the heart.

Real Love Lives In Your Body Heart Soul And Spirit :

Real love is what is in our hearts, soul, and spirit. The first step to experiencing real love is by opening your heart to love yourself. When you open your heart to love yourself, your heart gets filled with love that is as ubiquitous or omnipresent as the air you breathe and the oxygen that pumps your heart. This is what true love is, the filling of the emptiness or hollowness within you that assures you that you are never alone. When we love ourselves, we become more welcoming to loving and getting loved without any selfish motives.

Real Love Is A Direct Connection Between Two Hearts And Souls:

Real love in a romantic relationship is when two people open their hearts that are already filled with love. Their passion grows many folds when their love overflows from their hearts for one another. Love is known to become more prominent when it is shared. This is real love. It is a magical feeling that can only be felt by two people and even they can’t express what it really is. Real and pure love is divine, it’s God.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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