Transactional Relationship Or Transactional Marriage

Transactional Relationship Or Transactional Marriage Is Like A Business Partnership Between Two People Where There Is A Lot Of Give And Take From Both Sides

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Transactional Relationship Or Transactional Marriage:

A relationship or marriage, for the most part, is nothing short of a transactional partnership. That is why some people call a couple, partners because that is what they truly are. Two people come together and decide to spend the rest of their lives together. There is a lot at stake. In fact, a relationship is even more crucial than a business deal. One can reverse things in business or even file for bankruptcy protection. But in a relationship, there are enormous ramifications if things don’t work out well. Hence, it is a good idea to think of a relationship or marriage as a transaction or deal.

A Relationship That Is Like A Business Partnership:

A relationship or marriage is more like a business partnership or a corporation. Here, two people come together to form a lifelong partnership to lead a happy and prosperous life. Just like in a business, both people must be compatible to make the partnership worthwhile. There has to be a lot of understanding between the two partners for things to work out in the long haul.

Maintaining A Relationship Is Just Like Managing A Business:

A relationship or marriage is just like managing a business. Here, two people are leading their shared life together. This needs a lot of management skills. Mismanagement can make a company go out of business or marriage to fall apart. Both partners need to work as business partners to keep the business floating.

A Relationship Should Be As Profitable As A Business:

A relationship or marriage should be fulfilling and gainful just like a business. People get married to be happier than they were as singles. It is the same as making a business profitable. Each person must get more out of it than what they put it. In other words, there must be a positive return on investment. No one like to invest and incur losses. Things are no different in a marriage. A business that makes repeated losses eventually goes out of business. Likewise, a marriage that makes perpetual losses also finally goes out of wedlock.

Every Relationship Has Its Ups And Downs Like A Business:

A relationship or marriage can never be always hunky-dory, as is the case with a business as well. Every business sometimes makes profits and sometimes losses, and that’s part and parcel of life. Even a marriage goes through different phases, and some are pleasant while others are turbulent. What matter most is that there should be a net gain at the end of the day.

A Relationship And A Business Requires Compatible Partners:

A relationship or marriage is a partnership between two people like a business partnership. The most critical decision that would make the partnership last is the careful selection of partners. If both partners are compatible and complement each other, it’s more likely that things will go well. Getting involved with the wrong partner can send you straight to the bankruptcy court.

Make A Plan Of Responsibilities In A Relationship Just Like A Business Partnership:

It would be a good idea to make a business partnership plan. It would be highly beneficial to draft a plan and put everything in writing. Lay down what each person wants from the marriage. All the things they have to offer and all the things they want in return. Remember, it is a business merger, not an acquisition. Two companies are coming together to form one big enterprise where the new whole is greater than the sum total of each part.

Relationships Involve A Lot Of Visible And Invisible Transactions:

A relationship or marriage indeed is nothing but a transactional business plan. As harsh as it may sound, nothing comes for free. There are no free lunches in life. Both partners must have equality and mutuality to be equal partners in life. Just a slight imbalance can be devastating. Hence, it’s essential to specify everything in advance. Who will do the cooking. Who will do the cleaning. Who will earn money. Who will manage the house. How much romance is expected. How much time together is expected. How much sex is expected. How much time alone is expected. The list is endless. The more clarity you bring on the table, the better the chances of success. The above is just an analogy between a marriage and a business to explain a concept. The reality is that marriages are not like business transactions; they are indeed like roses that need constant care and love for them to blossom to their very best.
Read This: Shotgun Marriage Or Shotgun Wedding Meaning Definition Customs Laws
November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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