Wedding Anxiety Jitters Cold Feet

Wedding Anxiety Jitters Cold Feet Are Apprehensions And Nervousness That Comes As A Result Of The Fear Of Entering An Unchartered Territory Of Making A Serious Commitment Of Getting Married

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Wedding Anxiety Jitters Cold Feet:

Marriage is perhaps the most significant decision of their life for most people. It can be a life-changing event. Hence, it is natural to feel some sort of anxiety or jitters prior to the big day. This is when one feels butterflies in their stomach. The fear can be so enormous sometimes that it can give nightmares and hot flashes.

The Main Reason For Jitters Is Doubting The Marriage Decision Made:

When there is so much at stake, anyone would feel nervous. A thousand doubts enter the mind making one feel doubtful about their own decision. It is your subconscious alarming you or warning you. Sometimes these signs are valid, and one needs to do some introspection and dig in to reevaluate to know if that is what they want. That said, marriage anxiety, in most cases, is just nervousness about the unknown.

Little Bit Nervousness Before The Big Day Is Natural:

A marriage nervousness is similar to the way one feels right before an important exam. They think they don’t know anything, but as soon as they start writing, everything seems fine. Likewise, getting married is an initial nervousness of a highly anticipated event. All that anxiety usually dissipates right after calling the shots.

Growing Anxiety As The Wedding Date Approaches:

All that anxiety becomes as big as the wedding day approaches. When the day comes with all the family friends around, all that anxiety can multiply very fast. Just being the center of attraction and being in the spotlight can be overwhelming for some people. It is best to have an informal conversation with friends to calm things down.

Fear Of Unknown Life After Marriage Leads To Jitters:

One main reason or marriage anxiety is the fear of the unknown. It is almost like entering a dark room, not knowing what’s inside it. The best solution is to get to thoroughly understand each other ahead of getting married. The less the surprises, the less the fear of the unknown. Knowing you are getting ahead of time might just do the trick. Some people also become apprehensive about being able to satisfy their partner in bed. If that is of concern to you, it may be better to have a talk with your would-be to clear all your worries.

Stop And Take Some Time To Reevaluate Your Wedding Plans:

Most people get nervous before marriage because of the responsibilities and expectations that come with getting married. If you are not yet ready to take the responsibility of marriage, then it may be time to think through what you want. Repenting later would be the worst alternative. So be sure of what you want ahead of time and think through if you're going to get married in the first place.

Getting Bound In A Committed Relationship May Lead To Worries:

A lot of people become fearful of getting married because of their childhood or past relationships. Our past defines our future course and set of mind. Seeing your parents or a close friend going through a rough marriage can make your fear tenfold. We automatically connect our past experiences with future outcomes. Explain to yourself that every marriage is different and yours will work just fine. Think of all the couples that are happily married instead of focusing on the negative experiences.

The Fear Of Entering Unchartered Territory:

In short, most marriage jitters are a result of the fear of entering uncharted territory. The only solution is first to be sure if you are ready to get married without a shred of any doubt. Next, make sure you both know everything about each other and accept each other wholeheartedly without any second thoughts. If you pass these two things, you have nothing to worry about. If not, it is best to delay your marriage until you are fully ready to get into wedlock.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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