Generations Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Generations

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My family for several generations have been members of the Unitarian Church.
~By Leverett Saltonstall ~

We must oppose programs that would take food from the mouths of younger generations to buy prescription drugs for old people, and we must do it... for the children.
~By L. Neil Smith ~

If we had, we would have realised sooner that Indigenous organisations are sometimes not the appropriate channel for programmes to help the stolen generations, because many of them play little part in Indigenous associations.
~By Malcolm Fraser ~

I would love to expose multiple younger generations to Frank's music. It's not an easy task because It's not ever going to be plastered all over the radio for the masses.
~By Dweezil Zappa ~

Planning ahead is a measure of class. The rich and even the middle class plan for future generations, but the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days.
~By Gloria Steinem ~

Genetic studies in Iceland have found that many of the women who were the founding stock of Iceland came from England and what is now France. Some were probably captured and carried off in Viking raids only 40 generations ago.
~By Keith Henson ~

Entire generations of Americans have come of age since the ancient time when the president's power was constrained by a duty of candor to the American people.
~By James Bovard ~

It's hard to compare actors from different generations.
~By Kim Hunter ~

It's a great pleasure having survived six generations of TV critics.
~By Geraldo Rivera ~

We can no longer afford the war in Iraq. Our financial costs have already passed a third of a trillion dollars; the lifetime costs for this war, in both human and economic terms, will be borne by Americans for generations to come.
~By Earl Blumenauer ~

Isn't it a shame that future generations can't be here to see all the wonderful things we're doing with their money?
~By Earl Wilson ~

What is our vision on this earth - war to the end of all generations and life by the sword?
~By Moshe Sharett ~

It is my firm belief that I have a link with the past and a responsibility to the future. I cannot give up. I cannot despair. There's a whole future, generations to come. I have to keep trying.
~By King Hussein ~

Traditional marriage between a man and a woman has been a cornerstone of our society for generations. If we are going to change that, it ought to be done by the will of the people.
~By Steve Chabot ~

It is worthwhile for anyone to have behind him a few generations of honest, hard-working ancestry.
~By John Phillips Marquand ~

The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.
~By Jean Piaget ~

San Francisco has long been a leader in the arts, nurturing generations of painters, sculptors, poets, novelists, playwrights, film-makers, and performing artists and innovators of every kind.
~By Gavin Newsom ~

It was this society and culture that among other things - including economic opportunities here and repression in Europe - attracted subsequent generations of immigrants to this country.
~By Samuel P. Huntington ~

Our American story, for generations, is of a people who seek to move forward. A people who look at a mountain and worry not about the tough climb ahead, but dream about the view from the summit.
~By Bill Owens ~

As founder and co-chair of the upper Mississippi River Congressional task force, I have long sought to preserve the river's health and historical multiple uses, including as a natural waterway and a home to wildlife, for the benefit of future generations of Americans.
~By Ron Kind ~

To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations - such is a pleasure beyond compare.
~By Kenko Yoshida ~

We, of our time, have played our part in the perseverance, and we have pledged ourselves to the dead generations who have preserved intact for us this glorious heritage, that we, too, will strive to be faithful to the end, and pass on this tradition unblemished.
~By Eamon de Valera ~

Our theme for this year's festivities, Dreams and Challenges of Asian Pacific Americans, speaks to the many generations of Asian Pacific Americans who worked hard to overcome economic hardship, racism and other barriers in their pursuit of the American dream.
~By Lucille Roybal Allard ~

Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.
~By Khalil Gibran ~

I have two children. I have a daughter 29, and a daughter four. They are 25 years apart, so you speak about generations and I must tell you, I have a philosophy and that is every 25 years I'm going to sire another child.
~By Burt Ward ~

There was a big question as to whether or not different generations have grown up differently.
~By Melissa Joan Hart ~

People repeat behaviour that leads to flooding their brains with pleasurable chemicals. The short-term reward loop acts over hours to years, and the long-term reproductive success loop over generations.
~By Keith Henson ~

For generations, even many otherwise decent white Southerners learned to despise black people.
~By Linda Chavez ~

Defenders of the status quo will argue that this system has served us well over the centuries, that our parliamentary traditions have combined stability and flexibility and that we should not cast away in a minute what has taken generations to build.
~By Ferdinand Mount ~

Formation of a new race takes place when, over several generations, individuals in one group reproduce more frequently among themselves than they do with individuals in other groups.
~By J. Philippe Rushton ~

I believe that as a nation we must have a bipartisan discussion about how to best preserve and protect Social Security for our seniors and for future generations of Americans.
~By Steve Israel ~

Correcting it, I don't know; just shedding the light of day on it is a first major step, being one of the earliest generations not to just accept the words.
~By Paul Kantner ~

Social Security is a program that should be strengthened and preserved for future generations.
~By Diane Watson ~

I think for writers who write that kind of stuff, they want to make changes. Look at Kris Kristofferson and Dylan. I mean, whole generations come along liking that stuff and that's great.
~By Lee Hazlewood ~

Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.
~By Ron Paul ~

Our work is before us. It cannot be passed to future legislatures and must not be passed to future generations. May we boldly seize the moment with singular unity. And may we build a Texas of unlimited possibility.
~By Rick Perry ~

If we care about the children, the grandchildren, the future generations, we need to make sure that they do not become the cannon fodder of the future.
~By Helen Thomas ~

Human nature must have come much nearer perfection than it is now, or will be in many generations, to exclude from such a control prejudice, selfishness, ambition, and injustice.
~By Elihu Root ~

The great Jewish scientists and philosophers of the last few generations - Spinoza, Einstein, Freud, Robert Oppenheimer and others - were natives of Europe and America.
~By David Ben Gurion ~

There are generations who watch Doctor Who together.
~By Sarah Sutton ~

Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

The death tax punishes the American dream - making it virtually impossible for the average American family to build wealth across generations.
~By Kit Bond ~

All of the generations go to what is chic for them, and theater seems to be an older generation's art form.
~By Estelle Parsons ~

In times of war, it is often best to look to our history to see how past generations of Americans dealt with the loss of their countrymen in just causes.
~By Virginia Foxx ~

From Watergate we learned what generations before us have known; our Constitution works. And during Watergate years it was interpreted again so as to reaffirm that no one - absolutely no one - is above the law.
~By Leon Jaworski ~

The nation is a community. Community of individuals, community of generations.
~By Aleksander Kwasniewski ~

Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations.
~By Yasser Arafat ~

I think that we have a responsibility to make certain that we are fiscally responsible in order to assure, frankly, future generations don't have to pay our bills.
~By Carol Moseley Braun ~

The generation which lived through the Second World War is disappearing. Post-war generations see Europe's great achievements - liberty, peace and prosperity - as a given.
~By Jan Peter Balkenende ~

With faith and courage, generations of Armenians have overcome great suffering and proudly preserved their culture, traditions, and religion and have told the story of the genocide to an often indifferent world.
~By Jerry Costello ~

The highly motivated young people who comprise the backbone of our military force truly are taking their place as one of America's greatest generations.
~By Trent Lott ~

Families don't make projects for five years, they make projects for generations.
~By Achille Maramotti ~

It is up to us to live up to the legacy that was left for us, and to leave a legacy that is worthy of our children and of future generations.
~By Christine Gregoire ~

I realized then that the generations may change but the strength of our nation remains solid.
~By Jane D. Hull ~

You know, I come from six generations of college graduates.
~By Julian Bond ~

Thus the sum of things is ever being reviewed, and mortals dependent one upon another. Some nations increase, others diminish, and in a short space the generations of living creatures are changed and like runners pass on the torch of life.
~By Lucretius ~

Each generation should be made to bear the burden of its own wars, instead of carrying them on, at the expense of other generations.
~By James Madison ~

These are challenging times at home and around the world. We will have to work together in a bipartisan spirit and with our international partners if we are going to achieve progress and peace now and for future generations.
~By Susan Collins ~

I was one of the first generations to watch television. TV exposes people to news, to information, to knowledge, to entertainment. How is it bad?
~By Tom Clancy ~

If we intend to provide a better life, and a better world, for future generations, we can't ignore the quality of the environment we leave them.
~By John Kasich ~

Even the simplest wicker basket can become priceless when it is loved and cared for through the generations of a family.
~By Sister Parish ~

Future generations are not going to ask us what political party were you in. They are going to ask what did you do about it, when you knew the glaciers were melting.
~By Martin Sheen ~

It's amazing how fast generations lose sight of other generations. One of the first things the young composers who come to work with me say is that they want to write music people will like, instead of gaining their credentials by being rejected by the audience.
~By Carlisle Floyd ~

I feel like I have at least begun to make a contribution, but my most significant concern has to do with whether my actual art will be preserved for future generations or be erased.
~By Judy Chicago ~

Specifically, I am concerned about the long-term condition of Social Security. I am committed to ensuring that current beneficiaries and those nearing retirement face no reduction in benefits, while preserving this vital program for future generations.
~By Cliff Stearns ~

I told them I would work to strengthen and secure Medicare for generations to come, and I told them I would fight for a new prescription drug benefit under Medicare.
~By Mike Rogers ~

But the history of the changes produced by a universal idea is not a history of changes in the individual, but of changes brought about by the successive efforts of millions of individuals in the course of many generations.
~By Lafcadio Hearn ~

We are seeing healing among the stolen generations, and initiatives which are enabling Indigenous people to make their distinctive contribution to our national life.
~By Malcolm Fraser ~

My sister and my brother, of whom I have not spoken before, were considerably older than I; it seemed almost as if we belonged to different generations.
~By Pierre Loti ~

It's very strange that most people don't care if their knowledge of their family history only goes back three generations.
~By Doug Coupland ~

All social workers want is to get everyone involved in a programme. Because a programme provides full employment for three generations of social workers. And they mess up.
~By David Eddings ~

This isn't just about today, this about generations to come. And you've got a chance to be the greatest conservation President since Theodore Roosevelt, and I think he's done it.
~By Bruce Babbitt ~

We believe democracy to be the only real guarantor of stability and we have sought to create a 'Jordanian model' that might also inspire others in our region. I wish democracy and peace to be my legacy to my people and the shield of generations to come.
~By King Hussein I ~

We need to remember across generations that there is as much to learn as there is to teach.
~By Gloria Steinem ~

If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

Nothing separates the generations more than music. By the time a child is eight or nine, he has developed a passion for his own music that is even stronger than his passions for procrastination and weird clothes.
~By Bill Cosby ~

Perhaps most ridiculous of all is the suggestion that we 'keep' our radioactive garbage for the use of our descendants. This 'solution', I think, requires an immediate poll of the next 20,000 generations.
~By David R. Brower ~

For generations, America has served as a beacon of hope and freedom for those outside her borders, and as a land of limitless opportunity for those risking everything to seek a better life. Their talents and contributions have continued to enrich our country.
~By Spencer Bachus ~

The only way to create a foundational document that could stand the test of time was to build in enough flexibility that later generations would be able to adapt it to their own needs and uses.
~By Diane Wood ~

Genetics is about how information is stored and transmitted between generations.
~By John M. Smith ~

Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan had tremendous influence on generations of American because, even if people disagreed with them, they admired them because they made very strong commitments to things they believed in.
~By Phil Crane ~

In Europe the parents are included as with children. All three generations are together. I'm thinking of Italy. You go out on a Sunday afternoon and the whole family is there.
~By Dana Delany ~

In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.
~By Wilma Mankiller ~

The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.
~By Joseph Pulitzer ~

Hence, within the space of two generations there has been a complete revolution in the attitude of the trades-unions toward the women working in their trades.
~By Florence Kelley ~

An author is a fool who, not content with boring those he lives with, insists on boring future generations.
~By Charles de Montesquieu ~

All around us are the consequences of the most significant technological, and hence cultural, revolution in generations.
~By Lawrence Lessig ~

Whether they run a record company or a grocery store, every boss will tell you you're in big trouble if you're borrowing more than you can ever afford to pay back. Delaying the pain for future generations is suicidal. We've got to start getting the deficit down right now, not next year.
~By Simon Cowell ~

Demography is changing us as we are older societies, we're living longer. How the generations balance each other out, how that affects education and health care.
~By Howard Baker ~

For in this century, within the next decades, will be decided for generations whether all mankind is to become Communist, whether the whole world is to become free, or whether, in the struggle, civilization as we know it is to be completely destroyed or completely changed.
~By Whittaker Chambers ~

But these realities will make themselves felt soon enough and while I am certainly not asking you to close your eyes to the experiences of earlier generations, I want to advise you not to conform too soon and to resist the pressure of practical necessity.
~By Felix Bloch ~

The New York City Ballet is obviously speaking to a whole new generation and bringing it the same wonder and beauty that it brought previous generations.
~By Robert Caro ~

So the Negro race has continued, and today is the day of the Negro as far as the world is concerned. They have influenced the generations of time; they have mixed their blood with many peoples, until there are many peoples not able to hold the priesthood.
~By Warren Jeffs ~

Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations, that we have forgotten, as a people, the cost of a free and undivided Republic.
~By John A. Logan ~

Things change in different countries as people grow, and as generations change.
~By Shannon Elizabeth ~

By providing students in our Nation with such an education, we help save our children from the clutches of poverty, crime, drugs, and hopelessness, and we help safeguard our Nation's prosperity for generations yet unborn.
~By Elijah Cummings ~

Brothers in suffering, brothers in resistance, brothers in ideals and conviction. It is now our duty to further strengthen this bond in order to secure this hard-won freedom for future generations.
~By Guy Verhofstadt ~

Old age is far more than white hair, wrinkles, the feeling that it is too late and the game finished, that the stage belongs to the rising generations. The true evil is not the weakening of the body, but the indifference of the soul.
~By Andre Maurois ~

Sarah will talk to me about someone and I don't know who she's talking about, but if she talks to my mother, the two of them will know exactly - and across several generations, too.
~By Prince Andrew ~

You know, Hoosiers recognize pork when we see it. And they recognize what bailing out every failing business in America means - We're burying generations under a mountain range of debt.
~By Mike Pence ~

Read This: Question Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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