Transvestite Trannie Meaning Definition

“Transvestite” is also sometimes referred to as “Trannie” in short, or “Crossdresser” as a synonym, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Transvestite / Trannie:

The term “transvestite” is derived from “trans,” which means “transsexual,” and “vestite,” which means “dressing style,” hence, “transvestite” literally means “dressing as a trans person.”

The term “transvestite,” or “trannie” is used to describe someone who dresses as the binary opposite gender expression, or cross-dresses, that is dressing outside of gender, for anyone of many reasons, including relaxation, fun, entertainment, and sexual gratification, and has nothing to do with sexuality or desiring a sex change either, and they are often called “cross-dressers,” and should not be confused with transsexuals.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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