Emotional Baggage

Emotional Baggage Is The Burden Of Emotional Feelings Carried Over From A Previous Romantic Relationship To A New Relationship

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Following are some of the most important things about Emotional Baggage:

Emotional Baggage is born by a breakup in a relationship where one or both lovers go through a lot of heartbreaking feelings.

Emotional Baggage is closely linked with a recent breakup leading to a lot of depression and undesirable feelings.

Emotional Baggage is when a romantic relationship between two lovers ends without the consent of one of the partners involved.

Emotional Baggage is the main reason why a lot of individuals feel apprehensive about getting sucked into a relationship.

Emotional Baggage is when two lovers have to drift away from each other even if one of them does not wish to do that.

Emotional Baggage is a very ugly period of any relationship as it can actually stress out a person emotionally.

Emotional Baggage is getting more and more popular these days as there are a lot of people going through an unwanted breakup.

Emotional Baggage is nearly like experiencing the feeling of getting rejected by someone without any fault of that person.

Emotional Baggage is a matter that includes a lot of emotional turmoil as at least one of the lovers feels betrayed or dumped by the other.

Emotional Baggage is an extreme form of depression or sadness as a direct cause of an unexpected end of a long relationship.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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