Heartbreak Quotes

Heartbreak Or Heartbreaks Quotes And Sayings That Are Most Popular And Famous As They Are Widely Used In All Cultures And Societies All Over The World

Read This: Breakup Quotes

Heartbreak Or Heartbreaks Quotes And Sayings That Are Most Popular And Famous As They Are Widely Used In All Cultures And Societies All Over The World:

Topics Hashtags: Heartbreak Quotes, Heartbreaks Quotes

Heartbreak is when every part of my body seems to be broken too.

Heartbreaks are funny to almost everyone except the heartbroken.

The same emotion that breaks your heart is sometimes the very one that can heal it as well.

If your lover breaks your heart, cry a river, build a bridge over it, and then get over it.

The heart was meant to be broken one day so that it can become stronger.

Sometimes the most difficult part is not letting go of someone, but having to start all over again.

One of the most painful things is losing a part of yourself in the process of loving someone more than yourself, and in the process forgetting that you have feelings too.

Sometimes there is no other option in life than to learn to let go of the person you still love, and just hold on to the memory of what you once had.

Trying to forget someone who broke your heart is the same as trying to remember someone you once loved.

Sometimes it is better to be alone so that no one can break you heart again.

Having a broken heart is just like falling off a horse, most people will get back on it but some would walk away being too afraid of falling again.

Getting over a heartbreak is much like giving up on sugar, you have to let go of it at some point.

Pain makes you stronger, tears make you bolder, and heartbreak makes you smarter, so be thankful to the past for a brighter future.

If your eyes are already ruined by crying for your lover, save your life from getting ruined.
Read This: Meaning And Definition Of Heartbreaks And Breakups
November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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