Good Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy Or A Girl

100 Good Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy Or A Girl Or Your Crush Or Your Date Or Your Boyfriend Or Your Girlfriend To Get To Know Them

Read This: Love Making And Making Love

Following is the full list of hundred top most romantic good flirty questions to ask a guy or a girl or your crush or your date or your boyfriend or your girlfriend to get to know them:

# How would you react if I kissed you right now?

# What do you generally wear to bed, if anything at all?

# How far can you go on your second date?

# What would be your ideal romantic getaway?

# Do you even know how beautiful you really are?

# Do you like to cuddle up while you are lying on your sofa watching tv?

# What is the most romantic thing you have ever done for someone?

# How long was your last relationship?

# How would you describe your perfect romantic relationship?

# Do you think we can be more than friends?

# What is your weakness or soft-spot when it comes to romance?

# What would be your wildest fantasy that you want to try out at least once?

# Don’t you hate it when a guy you are not interested in asks you personal questions?

# What do you think you look your best in?

# Are you a peacemaker or troublemaker?

# Would you prefer boxers or briefs?

# What do you like most about yourself?

# What would be the best place for a romantic evening?

# Would you like to be considered hot or smart?

# What is your idea of a perfect date?

# What came to your mind when you saw me for the first time?

# What part of your body would you like to be kissed?

# What would be your biggest turn-on?

# How would you define a perfect kiss?

# Which was the best vacation of your life, and where did you go?

# What did you want to be in life when you were young?

# What is the greatest achievement of your life?

# Which is your most precious and most painful memory?

# Do you think humanity is going forward or backward?

# What are the things you think we may have in common?

# Are you the one who takes everything too seriously?

# Have you ever believed in love at first sight?

# Who was your first crush?

# What was the main reason for your last break up?

# What is the best body part for having a tattoo?

# What would be the funniest joke you have ever heard?

# Is there anything you always wanted to do in life but could not?

# If you have a small bag, what would be the five most important things you would take with you on your next weekend getaway?

# Who would you like to have dinner with tonight?

# What would you like to order on your next dinner date?

# If you were stuck in a foreign country and lost your purse, what would you do?

# Was your childhood memorable?

# Would you say that you had a happy childhood?

# What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

# If your favorite celebrity asked you out, what would you do?

# Who do you think is supposed to make the first move, the girl or the guy?

# How would you describe yourself in five words?

# Would you rather stay at home or go out?

# Who would you like to switch your life with?

# Have you ever dated more than one person at the same time?

# What is your most treasured memory?

# What are the most important qualities that you want in your partner?

# What do you think about significant age gaps in dating?

# Where would you like to be touched by your date?

# Oh did you save this seat just for me?

# Do you think we should date?

# If you had all the money in the world, what would be the first thing that would you do with it?

# What would be the craziest thing you’ve ever done for or with someone?

# What would be one thing you would change about yourself?

# What’s your favorite fragrance?

# Do you fall in love easily?

# Do you like to talk dirty?

# What do you think about love and affection with respect to a romantic relationship?

# What’s one thing that you regret doing in life?

# What would be your biggest deal breaker?

# What’s the best thing about dating someone younger?

# Are you more comfortable one-on-one or in a group?

# When was the last time you cried your heart out, and what was the reason?

# Do you dream about being rich and famous?

# How would you describe me in five words?

# What’s your preference, cuddle up or make out?

# What kind of guy are you attracted to?

# What is one thing that turns you on the most?

# Would you like to join me for drinks tonight?

# Does the idea of getting a massage turn you on?

# What do you think is your best quality?

# I am so bad at flirting, would be kind enough to teach me a few tricks?

# What do you think about my smile?

# How do you impress your date?

# What is your favorite attire?

# What do you do on weekends?

# When was the last time you did something totally crazy?

# If I were to grant you five wishes, what would you ask for?

# If you had one superpower, what would you pick?

# If you wanted to learn a new skill, what would it be?

# How would you describe your ideal relationship?

# What do you think about seeing more than one person at the same time?

# Would you believe that I dreamt of you last time and here you are right in front of me?

# How do you usually celebrate your birthdays?

# What’s the favorite part of your body?

# What’s your wildest fantasy?

# Are you always so sweet or it's just with me?

# What’s your favorite activity to do with your partner?

# Do feel lonely or alone?

# What outfit do you think you look best in?

# How do you think I can take advantage of you?

# If you knew you had just ten days left, what would you do?

# What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

# If you had the choice to be anyone in the world, what would it be?

# What’s the best way to express love?

Aforementioned is the full list of hundred top most romantic good flirty questions to ask a guy or a girl or your crush or your date or your boyfriend or your girlfriend to get to know them:
Read This: Love Vs Romance
November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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