Bi Gender Or Dual Gender Meaning Definition
“Bigender” is also sometimes referred to as “Dual Gender” as a synonym, or “Bi-Gender” with a hyphen, or “Bi Gender” with a space, as some other forms
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Bigender / Dual Gender: The term “bigender” is derived from “bi,” which means “two,” and “gender,” which means “related to gender,” hence, “bi-gender” literally means “someone who experiences two genders at the same time which are male and female.” The term “bigender” or “dual-gender” is used to describe a person who fluctuates between two traditional gender-based behavior and identities, male and female, identifying with two genders, or sometimes identifying with either male or female, as well as another third, different gender, at the same time, or at different times, and sometimes they feel like both genders, and at times they fluctuate between the two genders, commonly, but not exclusively as male and female. Someone who identifies as a bigender generally means that one identifies as both male and female, or moves between masculine gender expression and feminine gender expression, having two different gender identities at the same time, or moving between them. A bi-gender person is someone who experiences emotional and mental swings between genders, moving between masculine and feminine gender-typical characteristics, portraying profoundly different male mannerisms or persona and female mannerisms or persona, depending on the situation. A non-binary gender identity relates to two gender identity systems, with both binary genders, binary gender, and non-binary gender, or two non-binary genders. It needs to be noted that bigender came out from within the transgender community instead of being implemented by them as it was created by another sub-culture such as transsexual. A bigender is not the same as an androgynous person. An androgynous person retains the same gender role in all situations, whereas, a bi-gendered person knowingly changes their gender-role behavior under certain situations. A bigender is not the same as intersex. Bigender means identifying as two genders, whereas, intersex means being born with both sex characteristics of males and females. Bigender should not be confused with genderfluid. People who identify as genderfluid may not go back and forth between any absolute gender identities, and may experience a complete range or gender spectrum over a period of time. Some bigender people express two distinct personalities, such as feminine, masculine, agender, androgyne, or some other gender identities. At the same time, some others find that they identify as two genders at the same time.
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