Cishet Cisheterosexual Meaning Definition

“Cishet” is also sometimes referred to as “Cis Heterosexual or Cis Straight” as a synonym, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Cishet / Cisheterosexual:

The term “cishet” is derived from “cis,” which means “same,” and “het,” which means “heterosexual,” hence, “cis-het” literally means “someone who is both cis-gendered and heterosexual.”

The term “cishet” is a slur or a slang that is used to describe someone who is both cis-gendered and heterosexual, or someone who is both cis and straight.

Cishet describes a person who is cisgender, heterosexual, and heteroromantic, that is, a person who identifies as the gender they were born as and experiences attraction to the opposite sex.

Cishet is an abbreviation of cis-gendered and heterosexuality, and is a term that is mostly used by the LGBT+ community to identify someone who is not LGBT+, and it needs to be noted that "straight" is not a gender term, instead, a sexual orientation, but, it's relevant to gender when it's combined with "cisgender."
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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