Transition Transitioning Meaning Definition

“Transition” is also sometimes referred to as “Transitioning” as a process, or “Coming Out” as a synonym, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Transition / Transitioning:

The term “transitioning” is derived from “trans-,” which means “transsexual,” and “-itioning,” which means “process,” hence, “trans-itioning” literally means “a person going through into being transexual.”

The term “transition” or “transitioning” is used to describe the process of using medical means to change a person's sex, going through the changing aspects of themself, such as looks, appearance, name, pronouns, or making physical changes to their body, to be more harmonious with the gender they know themself to be, instead of the gender they lived before transitioning.

Someone who is in transition or is transitioning is midway through the gender-changing process and is neither a male nor a female. It is someone going through a process of transitioning into a different sex.

Transition is a process of developing, assuming, accepting, and affirming a gender expression that aligns with the gender identity. Transitioning refers to the process that transgender people go through when accepting their gender, which can be both a biological transition and a social transition.

Transition can include things like “coming out” to one’s family and friends, and changing one’s name, changing sex on legal documents. It may also include hormone therapy, and maybe some form of surgery, and this process can be radically different for everyone.

Social transition is the act of leading a life that is more in alignment with their actual gender that a person feels, which includes things like changing name, changing the gender on the birth certificate, changing dress style, using different pronouns to refer to yourself, etc. Transitioning can be a slow process of taking small steps to live life as one’s true gender identity.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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