Genderfluid Genderfluidity Meaning Definition

“Genderfluid” is also sometimes referred to as “Gender-Fluid” with a hyphen, or “Gender Fluid” with a space, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Genderfluid / Genderfluidity:

The term “genderfluid” is derived from “gender,” which means “related to gender,” and “fluid,” which means “fluidity in something,” hence, “gender-fluid” literally means “someone who is fluid between the two genders which are male and female.”

The term “genderfluid” is used to describe people who find themselves moving in between different gender identifications and presentations, or having a flexible or fluctuating gender identity, rather than committing to a single form, and feels that their gender is ever-changing, or fluid, and can change from time-to-time.

A genderfluid person is someone whose gender identity fluctuates between more than one gender, or between having gender and not having one. Hence, they do not stick to any one gender, or no gender at all, for their entire lifetime.

Genderfluid is a gender identity that is a dynamic mix of male and female, making them feel like a mix of the two traditional genders, however, they may feel more masculine on some days, and more feminine on other days, or neutral, or both at once, or nothing, or something different entirely, and they don't always even figure it out before it changes again. Their sexuality, sexual attraction, and sexual behavior can change over time, or express multiple aspects of various gender markers at the same time, and be dependent on the situations, or throughout the course of their lifetime.

Genderfluid people may identify as a man or masculine one day, and as femme, woman, or feminine another day, and move in between these expressions of their gender. The time frame may be over the course of many days, weeks, months, or years, and it can be shorter, or longer than that, but the consistent experience is one of change.

The gender identity of a gender-fluid person often changes, making a person feel one day more masculine, and another day more feminine, or both at the same time, depending on the situation, but genderfluidity is not restricted to being only male and female. A genderfluid individual may also identify as bigender, navigating between masculine and feminine, or as trigender, moving between these and another gender.

Gender fluid is a person whose gender identity fluctuates between multiple genders with time and/or situation in a fluid way; hence, not being able to identify with a single, fixed gender. Such individuals describe their sexuality as “fluid,” and fluidity is generally attached to another term, like "gender fluid" or "fluid sexuality."

Gender fluid people don't feel the necessity to act as per the sex they were assigned at birth and the associated traditional societal roles. Such people often express a desire to remain flexible about their gender identity rather than committing to a single definition.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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