On The Down Low Meaning Definition

“On The Down Low” is also sometimes referred to as “DL” as an acronym, or “Down Low” as a synonym, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of On The Down Low:

The term “down low” is derived from “down,” which means “secretly,” and “low,” which means “hiding,” hence, “down-low” literally means “men who identify as straight, but secretly have sex with men.”

The term “down low,” or “DL, in short,” is a slur or slang that is used to describe men who identify themselves as heterosexual or straight, but who secretly discreetly have sex with men, and it originated in, and is most commonly used by, communities of color.

Down low refers to closeted black men and women in a relationship with a person of the opposite sex that lead a heterosexual life for the most part, but seek others of the same sex for sexual contact that is mostly anonymous and unprotected. It is the act of keeping a homosexual lifestyle hidden from others, a secret that is kept from friends and family.

Down Low attributes its origin to the black community which was slow to accept homosexuality in their community; hence, black people adopted this term to refer to men and women that are closet homosexuals or people that engage in sexual relations with people of the same gender. The term evolved to refer to men whose female partners were beginning to discover their secretive sexual relationship with other men on the side, or on the down low, and in most cases, the female partners were unaware of their partner’s sexual preference.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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