Pomosexual Omosexual Meaning Definition

“Pomosexual” is also sometimes referred to as as “Pomo” in short, or “Omosexual” as a synonym, or “Pomo-Sexual” with a hyphen, or “Pomo Sexual” with a space, as some other forms.

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Pomosexual / Pomosexuality:

The term “pomosexual” is derived from “pomo,” which means “postmodern,” and “sexual,” which means “related to sex,” hence, “pomo-sexual” literally means “people who reject sexuality labels or don’t identify with any of them.”

The term “pomosexual” or “pomosexuality” is used to describe people who reject sexuality labels or don’t identify with any of them, and they do not self-identify as gay, straight, or bisexual, just because they feel such labels are unnecessary and outdated.

Pomosexual people disregard sexual orientation in its entirety. It refers to non-orientation in which people basically view labels as superficial and insignificant.

Pomosexuality puts forth the argument that categories and words can't do justice to the complexity of human sexuality. Pomosexuals don’t subscribe to the superficial labeling system that defines human sexuality; hence, they completely disregard the sexual orientation labels altogether for a better unification.

Pomosexuality is a label designed for those who are beyond the words and labels that define different types of sexual orientations. Pomosexual is used for people who do not identify themselves with any of the conventional or traditional labels of sexuality as they do not want their sexual orientation to be identified by any label established by society.

It needs to be noted that pomosexuality itself is not a defined sexual orientation, it is the same as selecting no sexuality at all. People who identify themselves as pomosexuals are trying to redefine and reinvent the standard sexuality labels surrounding sexual orientation.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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