Homoflexible Homoflexibility Meaning Definition

“Homoflexible” is also sometimes referred to as “Homoflexibility” as a synonym, or “Homo-Flexible” with a hyphen, or “Homo Flexible” with a space, as some other forms

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What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Homoflexible / Homoflexibility:

The term “homoflexible” is derived from “homo,” which means “same,” and “flexible,” which means “being sexually flexible or open,” hence, “homo-flexible” literally means “sexual attraction or interest in the same sex or gender, but flexible towards opposite sex or gender.”

The term “homoflexible” or “homoflexibility” is used to describe people who experience sexual and romantic as well as emotional and aesthetic attraction towards mostly homosexuals, but are open to experimenting with having sex with the opposite genders as well.

Homoflexibility describes someone who is primarily attracted to members of the same sex, that is, homosexuality, but occasionally attracted to members of the opposite sex, that is, heterosexuality. In other words, homoflexibility is a form of sexual orientation or behavior that is characterized by little heterosexual activity in an otherwise mainly homosexual orientation, which may or may not differentiate it from bisexuality.

It is used to define a person who is mostly attracted to the same gender. However, they do sometimes find the opposite gender appealing.

Homoflexibility is sometimes paralleled with bi-curiosity to define a wider continuum of sexual orientation between heterosexuality and bisexuality, or the lack of wish to experiment with bi-curious labels. homoflexibility is part of what is more broadly known as fluid sexuality, which implies that there is no one fixed gender that a person is attracted to all the time.

Most homoflexible people mainly have homosexual relationships, but they are flexible or are at least not afraid to explore curiosity towards having a heterosexual relationship. homoflexible is a gay man or woman who has a sexual interest with someone of the opposite sex under certain circumstances, which makes them a “homo” who is "flexible,” hence, homoflexible.

A homoflexible person is normally 100% gay, but who occasionally engages in sex or some sort of sexual encounter with someone of the opposite sex for fun, or some other reason. Such a person intends to have their primary sexuality as homosexual, with a mostly sexual and emotional attachment to someone of the same sex; however, that person remains open to sexual engagements and perhaps even a relationship with someone of the opposite sex.

Homoflexible is a word given to someone who can choose their sexuality as and when they choose. Being homoflexible is pretty flexible because one is neither straight, nor gay or bi, they can be whatever they want to be, whenever they want it.

Homoflexible people have passed the bi-curious stage, and they would never go out on a date or have an emotional relationship with the opposite sex like heterosexuals or bisexuals do, but they may sometimes engage in sexual activities with them. Such people identify themselves as homosexuals, but they don't seem to draw a real line when it comes to sexual activities.

Homoflexible people genuinely believe that they are gay, but may have sex with the opposite sex without being labeled as bisexual individuals. These are gay people who sometimes act like heterosexuals, but without being called heterosexual or bisexual.

Some people tend to think of homoflexible people as a bisexual with a preference, or that it is used for people who suffer from being internally biphobic and homophobic. Such a notion gives rise to the thought of being bisexual yet closeted so that they can still be labeled with a heterosexual identity, without being identified as bisexual in order to avoid all of the stigma and biphobia that is attached to being out as a full-fledged bisexual.
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November 11 ,2022
ispace1 | Raja Surya
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